Monday, May 31, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts: Summer Kickoff Edition

The Boys of Summer ..Were You Expecting Don Henley? Uhh, Not Here.
Memorial Day... The unofficial start of Summer: BBQ, Baseball, and going to the beach or swimming in the pool. Unfortunately, the cover is still on our pool here... Not for long hopefully - I haven't had a pool since I was 16, and I could always use the exercise....
It's also a three day respite from politics - and the restart for all the campaigns to make the 8 day push to the Primary Day deadline. Time is real short now, and there are few races that are slam dunks. Our advice is for no one to feel comfortable.... With so little time left, we better get right to the blurry ideas before they take off - again.....
Of course, the weather: sunny and just a tad warm for here - about 83 degrees or so, but there's a nice breeze cooling it all off. Weather like this is kinda rare for Memorial Day, so over 250,000 people packed Jones Beach for the Air Show - which caused the park to close, and traffic from all directions to be shut down. Craziness .....
We showed you the pictures from Pinelawn National Cemetary yesterday. The odd part about that trip was driving down Wellwood Ave., where it's located. There are literally six or seven cemetaries in a row on that stretch, of every denomination. A bit creepy to see all those tombstones for about 2 miles. However, from there, we went to a block party where my old guitar player and lifelong buddy, Phil Hittel, was playing. After I left NY for SC, Phil joined another band, and eventually married the singer, Patty... Like a guy who's ex left for another girl (literally!), I went to watch them. They were an older style of music, but I think Phil's aggressiveness and talent get diluted in that band. Nice to still think we had the best band ever.....
Along those lines of loss and remembrance, we give a minute to talk about Gary Coleman and Dennis Hopper.... No, I wasn't the biggest fan of Coleman, but the guy never was afraid to stick his neck out. Whether it was suing his parents, running for Governor of California, or fighting off endless bullshit lawsuits, Coleman packed a lot of life into 42 years. Some people just kinda know their days are numbered, and live it that way... Hopper was much the same way, although his was marred by addiction for a long time, but when he was on, he was one hell of an actor. Forget Speed, or Apocalypse Now.... for us - and P-Luv I think - Hopper's best scene was in the oft-forgotten True Romance... Here is the clip for you. If the N-word or Italian slurs bother you, you might want to skip it. If not, check out a masterful scene between two great actors - Hopper and Christopher Walken.
More importantly, some friends of ours are having a rough patch as well.. Our buddy Moye Graham lost his second brother in law this week, and Florence GOP workhorse Pam Ratliffe needs your prayers for her mother too. The tough part about knowing a lot of people is it seems that someone is always passing away. Such is life....
Like we said, almost all of the races are in flux, or have such high undecideds that almost no one is safe... Has Nikki Haley's troubles passed her, or is the worst yet to come? Can anyone else make a move to make the inevitable runoff? We've read lots of theories on who caused the Folks-Haley affair to go public, including some from a somewhat myopic and narcissitic viewpoint. The most credible theory one we've heard is that Folks was hit as payback by former State Senator Catherine Ceips for Folks support of Tom Davis and his endless attacks in FITS News. In essence, Haley wasn't the target, but rather collateral damage. Any other candidates were likely not even thought about... Sometimes it's not the person who's currently paying the operative, but one who's already paid him a year or two ago. Is this all true? Who knows, but the motive does make more sense than the others I've heard....
In the Lt. Governor's race, we're not sure who he/she is, but that 'Undecided' candidate sure seems to be the favorite so far.... We've seen polls that have Connor up by 12 points, and others that have Richter up three points on Ard. The only consistent number? 50% haven't made up their minds.... We spoke to both the Connor and Ard camps, advising both to not believe their own people. Not sure if Richter will be speaking to us after we ripped him for sending invites to us for his Ed Nixon tour NINE TIMES on Facebook....
Our schedule suddenly has some open days in the next couple weeks, so keep an open eye for any more poop that comes up. Next weekend, we will put out our final Odds On favorites for the Primary - expect lots of changes from last time. As for endorsements, if you are looking to us for guidance on who to vote for, you need new role models. Maybe Sarah Palin could enlighten you on South Carolina politics....


  1. You are correct...favorite scene ever with Hopper although the "Picket Fence don't get caught watching the paint dry" one is good as well.

  2. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Exactly who wants a slut for Governor? Haven't you people in South Carolina learned anything from the Mark Sanford debacle? As far as the Lt. Governor goes you have a former judge who basically gave cover to pedophile priests to settle a suit or the village idiot who seems to think he is a modern day Ike when he's more like the camp cook. Yeppers, you have a real pick of the litter there in SC. Wonder how many times you people will be the lead story on the nightly news??

  3. Mike when you coming home? We need help down here.
