I caught this one on the Long Island Expressway on Wednesday, as I was driving out to the North Fork (hint: more Tales From The East End to Come). The timing was pretty odd, considering it was right as the Will Folks - Nikki Haley drama was unfolding - and this trucking company was about 75 miles from it's home base in Queens.....
Getting this pic was a logistical nightmare: I passed the truck, then had to stop and wait about 3 minutes for it to catch up... Then get two lanes away from it to fit everything in, while not causing traffic problems, and keeping the A-pillar from the door out of the shot - and still making it readable.. The lengths we go to entertain you people !! I think I deserve a Pulitzer for this one. So, will Nikki Haley be 'packing it in' , or will she be 'Moving On Up' ???? As Gust Avrakatos says, "We'll See"......
So Haley's trucking ... who?
ReplyDeleteMke-God help us if Nikki wins the nomination. All things being even, the controversy surrounding her and Will Folks is far more than a simple campaign dirty trick. When this story first broke, the intial response from Nikki was that she barely knew who Will was. As the hours ticked by, Will released the text messages detailing the app.final 72 hours preceeding the announcement.
ReplyDeleteThose texts revealed conversations in which indivuals central to two Gubernatoral campaigns at a mininum admitted that Will was telling the truth. And what was Nikki's response? To continue to deny knowing Will Folks while her campaign launched an all out attack on Will that could basically be summazied as hot chicks like Nikki don't sleep with fugly broke guys.
Now as any first year law student learns when you can not attack the validity or the amount of evidence then you attack creditability of the messenger.
Toward's the end of last week, the cell phone records were released that showed lengthy conversations between Nikki and Will at extremely early hours of the morning lasting for a lot longer than one would expect at early morning hours. Again what was Nikki's response? She hid behind her privelege as a General Assembly member and refused to release any evidence that would either confirm or deny ANY relationship with Will Folks. Her campaign now changed its response regarding Will to the tune of he (Will) was a part timer in some capacity with Nikki's campaign.
So that takes us to where we are now...waiting for the next shoe to drop.
Let's make this clear, Will Folks has what could be best be called a questionable reputation, while others would use language found in an X-rated porno. But the other side of the coin is that if there was no validity to Will's accusations Nikki would be standing on her privelige as a member of the GA to refute them. Further, her campaign has spun from Will who?? to he was just part time supporter. For a candidate who is purporting to be in favor of open, transparent goverment, she is doing a good imitation of deny, deny, deny.
Now, I expect this may draw some attacks that I'm not a Nkki supporter and guess what? They're right. I am supporting candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor and Atty. General (among others)that I have established not just a political but a personal friendship that goes back years. In fact I have known some of the candidates I am supporting since I was a teenager.
But that does not change the evidence we have gotten so far concerning Nikki and Will. I do not write this a attack upon Nikki's run for Governor. But given what South Carolina has experienced in recent history, in the world of scandal, I have to say that I am not a fan of playing with fire and in the case of Nikki and Will, we have to consider that where there is smoke there is a growing potential for a diasterous fire. This would be a fire that could cause serious damage to the GOP chances in November 2012 and further to the reputation of the state GOP. We can not afford four more years of Mark Sanford in a dress...TEG SC6 District Chairman
thats my truck