Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More 'Tales From The East End'. A Familiar Sight to Golf Fans ....

No, It's Not Tiger Woods' New House ......

Nope, in fact, I don't think Tiger's ever conquered this course. It's the famed Shinnecock Hills Country Club in Southampton, home to numerous US Open tournaments.... How did I get in here? Easy, I'm a member.... Uhh, no. I scaled the electrified fence (thanks, MacGruber for the tips!), and used shubbery as camoflague until I got close enough - that is, before the guard dogs showed up, and I was tazered into total incoherence.....

Actually, there is no fence there - you just drive right in, which we thought was pretty amazing. Try doing that at Augusta.... The first shot, we palyed it safe - then we got a little ballsy, and drove right up to the clubhouse.

We were then satisfied that we were Golf Rebels, and sped off onto Montauk Highway ASAP...



  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Um Mike even I can get into Augusta..teg

  2. Yeah, but I'm sure there's at least someone at the gate...
