Sunday, May 09, 2010

The Mother Of All Fuzzy Thoughts .....

Happy Sunday to everyone! I hope your week was better than mine. Work was definitely no picnic, as we lost 4 technicians - and haven't replaced any of them. You might not know this, but the cars don't magically fix themselves, we do need live people to work on them. With the slowdown, there are some unhappy Mercedes people - with emphasis on Mercedes. Needless to say, I'm earning my money this week....
But, I am off today, so we're going to make the best of it, since it is Mother's Day. This year is a bit odd, because I haven't celebrated Mother's Day at my home since 1991, when my mom passed away. However, I've got Carol this year, and she definitely needs some relief today. I at least did get her a card and a blingy Mercedes t-shirt. My big gift will be watching the kids as she and Joe go out for a nice dinner with friends. I hope yours is nice as well, so let's get to the fuzziness....
First, the weather. Today, it' Sunny, but kinda cold, and windy as all hell.... It might hit 60, but the winds have been around 30 MPH since yesterday, so the neighborhood looks like a tornado hit it. Everyone will be calling the landscapers in the morning - what, you think people up here RAKE ???!!!!!
My buddy Ben is up in Yankeeville too - but he's all the way in Central New Jersey on traveling work, inspecting cars. He's frustrated because he didn't know that you can make left turns in Jersey. Wait til he finds out that you can't pump your own gas either.....
Around the house, the big news is that Joe has kinda pinned down that he has Celiac Disease, which is an allery to Gluten - which is in just about every food you eat. His biggest losses are Beer, Bread and anything with wheat in it. The good news is he's lost about 15 pounds since finding out about it. The bad news is he's been eating total crap every day. He did at least find Gluten-free Beer, because man can drink only so many Tanqueray & Tonics.....
Out of the Closet: I'll admit, I heard a new term for the first time this week - Rent Boy. Nope, it was a completely foreign term to me, and one I hope I never hear of again...... Especially in politics............ There has been a mixed bag of good news/ bad news for the Tea Party this week, as Utah Senator Bennett will not have the party nomination for the GOP, after getting his ass kicked at the State Convention. Yeah, many states don't have open primaries. This at least gives the Tea Party something to hang it's hat on, after none of their endorsed candidates won in Ohio and Indiana last week.... I wonder if Senator Graham's people took notice of this. Just wondering WHO will be the one who takes him on.
Funny political stories of the week: I laughed when P-Luv told me that he's been accused of being the 'Photo-Stalker' of 12th Solicitor candidate Rose Mary Parham. P-Luv and Will Folks have so much in common politically, that it makes total sense that he would pass the pics onto FITS. I do like how last month, Ms. Parham's supporters vehemently denied her 'Democrat' status, but now it's OK if she does try to get Democrat support. Not that it isn't OK - of course it is, but we do like a little consistency in the message.... I have no dog in this race, except to say that it will be a close one - but it is fun to watch the ladies go ape shit over every detail. It's a long way til November, just keep knocking on them doors!
BTW, don't be surprised to P-Luv's blog, Behind the Pine Curtain, on BlogNetNews soon..... You have been warned!
BTW II...... After whipping the Red Sox the last 2 nights by a combined 24-6, my Yankees are now 21-8, although still a half-game behind Tampa Bay. Boston is 7 games out, and we look forward to them being 8 back after tonight....
Lastly, it looks like you guys are adapting to the new, mostly weekend-only format. SC6, despite posting only 2 days a week, cracked the Top Ten at Number 8 (Sunlit Uplands is on there twice, so we deduct a spot).... Thanks for sticking with us, despite the obstacles we face, both in and out of politics... Speaking of blogs, what happened to The Palmetto Scoop? Did Henry McMaster run out of cash?? Just kidding - I had enough grief after picking on Palmetto State Politics last week !! Hope all is well.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Mike--the Rays having the best record in MLB is like USC being ranked #1, it just ain't suppose to happen. And yes your right it appears Adam has shut down the scoop and taken a real paying job.

    Finally, like you I lost my mother years ago (2.15.90) and on Tuesday I lost my last aunt so Mother's day was a little difficult again this year. But I want to say a special thank you to all the mothers out there for all the love you have given your children through all the years. A mother may only hold her children's hand for but a few moments but she holds our hearts forever...teg
