Saturday, May 22, 2010

Picking Your Way to A Healthier Life?

No, It Won't Cure Cancer, But She's Actually Doing Good .....

Some of you might find this gross, but we're here to assist in any way we can.... After all, we're not just a political blog - we're a Life Blog. Besides, this qualified well as one of THOSE posts....

No, it's not good manners, and it embarrasses the shit out of you when yuo kid does it in public, but according to a recent Iowa University (or is it University of Iowa?) study, people who pick their noses are actually healthier than those who don't. Stick THAT in your piehole and sniff it.... It's true. Those who pick get less colds and flu than those who don't - and they live an average of 14 years longer. Actually, I made that last one up.....

The study doesn't conclusively say why, but we have a theory. Snots are bad....and picking your honker is actually a good way to relieve nasal congestion. In fact, we've read stories that recommend plucking nasal hairs to initiate drainage in your nose. I do it every once in a while - hey, I'm not naturally this good looking, it takes work. The downside of plucking is that it tends to swell the inside of your snot alley afterwards for days....

So, the next time you have a little friend hanging out in your schnoz, take that pointer finger out and pick away - just make sure no one is looking - and wash that disgusting hand afterwards, please! Lastly, remember this sage advice...... 'You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose - and if they let you, then you need new friends.'



  1. Mike - Be careful what you advocate, there could be consequences:

  2. Randy, I may have to post this as a followup.. The clip needs a re-enactment scene, with a bus full of kids sliding off a cliff to really hit home - like the old Drivers Ed movies they made us watch.
