Sunday, May 02, 2010

SC Isn't the Only Place That Digs Secession...

Long Guyland - America's 51st State ???? Don't Laugh ...
You see, if you look hard enough, you can find things in common with anyone - even obnoxious Yankees.... As much as South Carolina, which has always been know as 'Too Small to Be a Country, Yet Too Big for an Insane Asylum' is proud of their proclivity to seceed, they really haven't doen anything about in the past 145 years. Here on Long Island, some people have had it with New York State - and they're doing something about it.....
Yep, actual political steps are being taken to seceed from New York, and make Long Island the 51st state in the Union. No, this isn't anything new. I can remember calls for Long Island statehood for thirty years now, but when Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano called for a feasibility study in order for an official County Position on statehood, the tremor turned into a rumble... Suffolk County, the other Long Island county, had it's legislature pass a resolution to OK statehood years ago, but now Nassau is joining in too...
So, what precipitated the move? Taxes, what else? For decades, Nassau and Suffolk counties have been net payers into New York State's taxation system. Estimates are that Long Island loses a whopping $3 BILLION annually to the City and Upstate. For an area where people pay $10,000 a year in property taxes, that would be some serious relief. Add to that, the Metropolitan Tranportation Authority's (MTA) tax on ALL Long Island businesses to pay for NYC's trains and subways - whether or not their employees actually use them or not - and you have the recipe for Secession.
Why am I telling you guys about this? Well, we're kind of new to this whole rebellion thing, so i thought I'd ask you guys for some tips.... Yeah, it's been a while, even for you guys, but maybe some of you heard stories from Great Grandpa about it... Is Long Island statehood a likely event? Hell no. It requires approval from the State Legislature and the Governor - neither of which are likely. Even current Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy has said that it's not feasible, but when has that stopped anyone from leaving? The good point is that even in the land of Unions and Taxes, people can reach their breaking point.....


  1. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I would like to see NYC and PR states.

  2. The one I think is more widely known is the history of Staten Island wanting to secede from NYC. It is like a different world out there.

  3. The House is actually debating Puerto Rican independence or statehood this week, Moye.

    Roger, you are correct on that. Staten Island wants to be part of New Jersey so bad, but there are two problems.

    1) it screws up the toll booth plan of 'if you want to get out of Jersey, you have to pay'. and....

    2) Fresh Kills smells so bad, even New Jersey can't stand it.

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Mike--NJ complaining about Fresh Kills smelling bad?? Have you ever taken a deep breath in Camden or Trenton?? Don't, you may puke up what you ate last week. There's a reason everyone in NJ lives near an exit...they are waiting to move to Miami...teg
