Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cartoon of the Week: McChrystal Trifecta

We had a nice comeback from last week's crapfest in the cartoon arena. As usual, good news makes for good reading. Like we always say, let the news come to you... Yeah, the BP cartoons are still coming, though not quit as fast as the oil spill itself. This week's firing of Gen. McChrystal for comments he made in Rolling Stone magazine made for plenty of chatter, and a couple co-opted recent events with it as well. So, we'll be generous, and post all three...

BTW, did anyone to mention if McChrystal's comments were actually RIGHT?


  1. west_rhino6:37 PM

    Check the cover of the Rolling Stone for their "tribute" to McChrystal

  2. I don't imagine he'll be singing that song about making 'the cover of the Rolling Stone.'
