Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts: The $52 Hotel Room Edition

This week, we had the luxury of being off Thursday through Sunday. The first two days were at Technical Training at Mercedes-Benz HQ in New Jersey. It was an interesting trip to say the least. I got up at 4:15 AM to avoid the traffic, but at least I got there early - by about an hour and a half! Going home was a totally different story... it took 3 1/2 hours to drive 78 miles. Such is Rush Hour Friday in the Big Apple. At least now I can sync a Bluetooth phone...
The highlight (or lowlight) was the 'hotel' I stayed at overnight on Thursday. It was only $52 - and it seemed like it. From the outside, it was the worst looking place I ever stayed at. White cracked stucco with lime green on the trim and doors. Everyone was very nice, but my room smelled a bit dank at first, and then I realized why.... the AC broke. I got it to go for another hour or two, until it cooled off - then it died for good. Rest in Peace, my old friend. But, I saved $84 over the hotel they told me to stay at.... Now I'm hoping they don't take 6 months to reimburse me. Until then, we'll focus on the Furriness.....
While we did pretty well on our predictions, we missed a couple, and underestimated others. One thing we forgot to take into condsideration was Big Mo, with Nikki Haley and Curtis Loftis. Both had been coming on strong at the end, and we cut them short on the picks. We still haven't figured out how Elizabeth Moffly finished second in the Supt. of Ed race, aside from some crossover voting from her time with Jim Rex, and maybe familiarity with her name on the ballot. The big question right now is will Gresham Barrett concede, or try to gain those 27 of the last 29 percentage points to beat Haley. He got Bauer's nod, but the chances of him actually getting all those votes are slim ....very slim.
Locally, the big story was Billy D. Williams getting beat by Teresa Ervin, while Hickory Head's main rival, Ed Robinson, fell just 12 votes short of 50$ plus one. I used to work with Ervin's husband, Lavon, at Newsome Automotive, so I'm happy for her win. Robinson is the one that really needs to go, if Flotown has any hopes of recovering in the next 4 years..... It should be interesting. If he loses, I see Big Ed totally going postal sometime soon afterwards....
So, you guys enjoying the heat? It's been about 75-80 all week, although the sun can't seem to make up it's mind to stay out or not. At least I can breathe... Joe took the cover off the pool yesterday, so by this time next week, I'll be swimming til my hands turn into prunes - LOVE IT!
More changes are in store at work. We have a new Fixed Operations Director starting tomorrow. The FOD basically oversees the Parts and Service departments, which we need, because my manager rarely has time to help out or be there for questions... BTW, I finally got a good survey. Only 200 more points to go to mediocrity. The bad news was they fired Stephanie while I was gone. Tough.... She was pretty hot, and the girl loved to go out. Luckily, we do have three other new girls to keep my attention....Lastly there, they still have Websense on my desktop. It MIGHT be time to finally buy a Smartphone....
New York is considering a law to allow Nurse Practitioners to go into practice for themselves. Personally, it makes no difference to me. I never saw my doctor when I lived in Flotown anyway. Seriously, my own doctor didn't recognize my name on the ballot in 2004, and he voted for Gary McLeod. Shows how much name recogntion in the party matters.....
Not sure which I'm looking forward to more - LeBron James becoming a free agent, or the Election Day asswhipping Harry Reid's gonna get....Speaking of asswhipping, we suggest that the term 'Getting Vic Rawl'd' enter the SC political dictionary for losing to an unfunded, unknown, seemingly uneducated opponent. That, or simply call it 'Getting Planted'. Vic Rawl - kinda rhymes with 'Rick Roll'd'..........
Not that you care or agree, but we'll be posting our Battle Plans for the remaining runoff candidates later on today. June 22nd is closer than you think. We promise they'll stop calling after that day - at least for a little while.....

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