Sunday, June 06, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts: At Last, The End

Not-So-Super Tuesday is finally upon us... The day where are the candidates and their supporters either put up or shut up. For some of us in the blogging biz, it can't come soon enough... Say something nice about one candidate, and all the others go apeshit. Critique another, and the floodgates of angry e-mails comes in.
Here's two things that are undeniable: no candidate is perfect, and thus all are open to critique. If you think yours is, then you are fooling yourself, and someday, you'll be let down by them. Secondly, I'm a Republican, and whoever wins the Primary, I will support them. Judging by the way some of you attack the other guys/girls running, I doubt that is the case. Good luck getting support from others in November when you've burnt your bridges today...
Onto the fuzz..... Yes, yesterday at the Belmont was a lot of fun, although the 'usuals' were a bit below the Sport of Kings. There was a guy who had to be escorted out for fighting - twice... I think the fight was over the best way to seal the leaking BP platform... I also read today that Sarah Palin was seen in the grandstands there a well. She had on the NY JAP'y sunglasses, so she laid kinda low. Also, no one gives a shit about her here. I'm pretty sure that if I got near here, I could tap dat. Two thoughts: wonder if she bet on First Dude, and has she figured out that Will Folks is not a liberal yet.....
Speaking of BP, James 'Avatar/Titanic' Cameron has been enlisted to help with the spill as well. Maybe a scientist would be more qualified, but I'm sure they at least for a free Blue-Ray disc... I read that Eagles guitarist Joe Walsh, whom I have met, was getting death threats - and i thought he and Don Henley weren't talking anymore...
I see that Karma caught up with Joran Van de Sloot in a big way this week in Peru. Too bad that it took someone else getting killed for it to happen. If I were a girl, i'd stay away from him every May 30th. He was in Peru playing in a poker tournament, when he apprently broke this girl's neck in his hotel room. Guess he didn't have a buddy with a boat there. Nice to see he was living a normal life after his last fiasco..
I'm going to go against the tide on one thing this week. I saw that last out of that pitcher's perfect game, and I'm siding with the ump on that one. The ball was hanging out of the glove with no control, and then he snapped his mitt to recatch it, after the runner tagged first. Safe.... Send your rebuttals to Bobby - he handles all my baseball matters. No, my Yanks aren't lighting it up, but no one else is either. The whole division is tight..... except for the Orioles. Two guys came to the race wearing O's jerseys, and the crowd razzed them for hours. That's dedication....
Up here, it's more of the same.. It's a bit muggy for NY, but a fronts coming through right now, and we'll be back in the 70's with drier air tomorrow and all week... I'll be in New Joisey Thursday and Friday to go through technology training - soemthing you guys know I need badly. I can't even synch a Bluetooth - or paste a YouTube clip onto my posts!!!! Of more concern are my crappy CSI scores. When the CEO of the Corporate office asks 'WTF is up with this guy?' , focus is needed...
Though some prefer 'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot', we're going to go with 'Wednesday Thursday Friday' to ask What the Fuck from now on.... Speaking of which, we somehow ended up at Number Six on BNN this week, and we're not sure why. However, we are proud to see that P-Luv's Behind the Pine Curtain even bested us at Number Five. It's nice to raise them, train them, encourage them, watch them grow - and then have them blow you away..... Bastard !!


  1. I picture you up on the table in the breakfast joint doing the "our baby's all grows up" dance ala Vince Vaughn in Swingers.

    Thank you, sensei...

  2. Welcome, Grasshopper. Guess I need to tell you 'Dude, you are SO MONEY !!'
