Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jim Clyburn: Dumb As A ....... Plant.

Note to The Whipper ... The Object on the Left Is a Plant. On The Right Is Your Problem .....
Yes, we know.... It's been a very long time since we picked on our Congressman - and the inspiration for this blog. Lately, to find anything to critique Jim Clyburn on would be a a bit monotonous and repetitive. But , just when you think The Whipper has settled into a safe corner in his views, things like what happened this week come up....
By far, he biggest surprise of Primary Day was the 16 point win by unemployed former soldier, Alvin Greene. With little more than $10,400 and a dream, Greene knocked off the favored and more established Vic Rawl in the Democratic Primary for the US Senate. When asked for a comment, Clyburn hinted not-so-subtly that it was likely a plant from the GOP. You'd think that a black Democrat from Orangeburg County would be thrilled at having a teammate from across Lake Marion serving with him in DC, but that wasn't the case.....
No, when it comes to being the Pimpmaster for African-Americans in SC, Old Jim likes being the only game in town. In short, Greene would be cutting in on Clyburn's business, and we don't think Jim would have any of that. Could it be that the Whipper's a bit pissed that Greene's stealing his thunder a bit? Now, onto the proof of Planting.....
There is none - thanks for reading, y'all have a great day. Actually, that statement is true, and we'll use Clyburn himself as an example.... Let's get this straight: Clyburn says that the GOP infiltrated the open Democratic Primary, and voted for the obviously least qualified candidate to oppose Jim DeMint - perhaps the safest GOP candidate on the ticket in November. So, we had enough people to overturn all the Democrats (which still make up about 40-45% of the voters in SC) , and lay a 16 point asswhipping on the favorite? If that is true, then Clyburn himslef should have had somewhat of a surprise in his own Primary against Gregory Brown, right?
Well, gee....... That didn't happen either. Clyburn beat Brown with almost 90% of the Democratic vote. If there was such a statewide conspiracy to beat Rawl, then logic would state that Clyburn should have seen at least SOME kind of surprise. Then again, logic is not part of Clyburn's vocabulary - emotion is all he knows, true or not. Jim would like us to believe that we all went to the polls this week, with the intent of taking out Vic Rawl - and we all totally bypassed voting against Clyburn at the same moment. Do you think that we're really THAT stupid? If there was a fix, Gregory Brown would have ended up with at least 20-25% of the vote....
No, we here on the right side of the aisle had nothing to do with Alvin Greene. Greene was on the top of the ballot in a race of 2 unknowns. Rawl would like to think that he was a household name, but I can say that I never heard of him. Also, maybe 'Greene' doesn't necessarily mean a candidate is black, but I'll tell you this - I've never met a black guy named Vic. In both parties, we's like to think that when someone is known in out small circle, that we have the power to push him/her through - but we really don't. We only go so far, and the rest is up to the candidate's machine - or Dumb Luck. Right now, that suits Alvin Greene to a T. Jim, it's your party's fault, not ours...
Wow, that felt good... It HAS been a while !


  1. I thought it took a lot of chutzpah for Fowler to come out and ask Greene to withdraw. Hey, Carol...this shit is on you. Our state party has a history of doing an absolute shit job of recruiting candidates and just as shitty a job of vetting them. The simply fact is, if you want a chance at being elected as a Democrat in this state, you run your own campaign. Our state party wouldn't even defend their own decision in the Willis-Wukela race. This would be the place where another person would call for Carol Fowler to resign, but I could care less. Any Democrat that depends on our state party to do shit for them is crazy. Only the chosen few, that the Shandon Mafia deem worthy, get any assistance from the state party. And that assistance ain't worth much.

    I was shocked at the result. But in call candor, Rawl completely overlooked the primary. He didn't announce until late and everything was done with the assumption that he would walk in the primary. Whether it was the "first on the ballot" issue or the "e-equals black candidate" issue (as Ford opined), I do not know. But I don't think there is any way Democrats in this state can blame Republicans for Alvin Greene winning. We own this result.

    However...even you have to admit, there's no way this guy paid the fee himself. And I guarantee you this...if the Whip wants an investigation, Bill Nettles is going to investigate it. I certainly would.

    As an aside, Clyburn is right about Brown in his race, though. All of Ed Robinson's charlatans were out working for Clyburn around here. I saw them pulling up Clyburn signs and putting down Browns. Those guys are straight up whores. And somebody was paying them in cash. That money was coming from someone.

  2. Jim does know how to use his street money....

  3. That was supposed to be "working against" Clyburn. That street money is a thing of the past, at least here in Florence. That's why those charlatans are so worried about Ed Robinson losing. We've managed to shut that shit off for the most part (it was Rex and Brown who were doling it out around here, through Ed and his buddies). If we can get rid of him with the runoff, those jagoffs will finally whither and die...

  4. I think it is funny as hell. He could have used his own money. The guy is going to write a book and get rich.

  5. Stupid democrats can't even rig their own elections correctly. Now they have to investigate one of their own. How are they suppose to win here? No matter what they do they lose. Get rid of Green and you piss of people. Keep him and he loses anyway. The democrat money people got pissed and now they are making fools of their own party.
    Yes he could have spent his own money. Until they prove otherwise he did.
    MG is right. He's going to get his money back and more. he's got a chit in the game now. If he had a bit more sense he'd been rolling in the money from campaign donations.
