Sunday, June 20, 2010

Let Me Tell You About My Dad....

Most of you know that my Pop and I have had our share of in's and out's....... It's difficult to get along with people who are the polar opposite of you in almost all respects - especially when you live in the same house, and can't escape each other... My dad is not the easiest guy to live with: he's gruff, he's loud, and he has no filter between his brain and his mouth. Some of you guys think I'm a bigmouth, but those of you who really know me know that I rarely say anything, especially if it hurts someone's feelings. I got that from living with Pops....
But over time, especially the last year or so, I've tried more to understand and appreciate all that my old man went through. What better day than Father's Day to pay him some tribute???? Pops grew up in the Old Italian School - lots of yelling, and getting your ass beat within an inch of your life for bad behavior was par for the course... Dad left home at 13 (he probably ran away) to work in the horse stables. Talk about having nothing - this was right at the tail end of the Great Depression. But he kept at it, and eventually became a bug rider and jockey, where he won 125 odd races in Massachusetts, before he got drafted in World War II. Dad stayed stateside, at Fort Lewis mostly, and moved to New York eventually, where he met Mom in the early 50's....
Yeah, Pops had a temper, and still does, but he has a good sense of humor, can sing pretty well, adn has no fear of women to this day. Workig at the race track, we got treated to Summers at Saratoga and a cottage on the lake every year til he retired in 1982. For all his other faults, I have to give him credit over for something -he always had a good , steady job for 34 years. We were never rich, but we never wanted for anything either.
Pops was 44 when I was born, so I understand what it would be like trying to raise a baby at ths age now, much less already having 4 other kids - all while your wife is having open heart surgery. He'll be 86 on September 11th, so I know the available time to tell him things is dwindling down. When I went to Belmont Park, he was the only one I called, because I knew he'd appreciate me being there - and he was proud that I picked 4 winners too...
No, I still can't spend too much time with him, without him aggravating me. The guy just KNOWS how to push my buttons, even now... But in the end, I do love Pops. I might have been a Momma's Boy, but lot of kids don't even have a father, much less one who did pretty good. Thanks Pops, and Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I couldn't have said it better myself brother..brought a thats hard for me. : )
