Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Pee Dee Flexes It's Muscles..... Sort Of.

Ard, Wilson Wins Give Pee Dee Hope For The Future ....

Let's face it, the Pee Dee region is South Carolina's redheaded stepchild - at least in the GOP. No, we aren't a major stronghold, like in the Upstate. Hell, we don't even have close to a majority on County Council. Long viewed as an underachiever with potential for years, the six county area may be fianlly living up to that potential after Tuesday's Primary runoff... The possibility of Flotown and the surrounding area getting power on a statewide level seems to be taking some shape...

Last year, the odds of Ken Ard being elected Lt. Governor seemed pretty remote, but here he is, just one step away from succeeding Andre Bauer. Meanwhile, other candidates with major ties to Florence won or came close as well... Alan Wilson, whose mom, Roxanne, was born here, won the AG nod, and Henry McMaster, whose mother was born on Dargan Street, when it was a bit safer, lost but played a nice role as kingmaker in helping Nikki Haley get on top. Damn, there I go again with the Haley sex references..... Oops.

Of course, Ard has a tough challenge from Ashley Cooper in the General Election, so nothing is guaranteed. Even still, Ard and Wilson won't be the Big Dogs in the area, as long as Hugh Leatherman still clutches the power switch in Columbia... but, we see a brighter future for leaders from Florence, Marion, Dillon, Marlboro, Darlington and Williamsburg. No, Clarendon is NOT part of the Pee Dee - and they will gladly tell you that.

Both sides have interesting possibilities: I foresee Dean Fowler running for State Treasurer whenever Richard Eckstrom retires - and then he and Ard can continue their feud in Columbia! Kenney Boone is as popular as anyone here, and he's building a base statewide. On the other side, Mayor Hickory Head Stephen Wukela could someday do what his predecessor tried and failed to do. Maybe, but he'll have to dump P-Luv to do it..... those bloggers just kill your campaign! Yeah, the Pee Dee still needs to keep hitting The Juice to play with the Big Boys, but we're calling BALCO as we speak. Does anyone have Barry Bonds' phone number?


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