Sunday, July 04, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts: Independence Day Edition

Welcome to another Sunday edition of Fuzzy Thoughts. Like you, we've had an eventful weekend. Things have finally quieted down after yesterday's big bash. Had about 70 people show up for drinks, tons of food, a comfy pool, fireworks, and of course, friendship. It was a bit warm for here (85 degrees), but it was still better than what thet get down in SC this time of year. It might have been the first Memorial day, 4th of July or Labor Day that I didn't sweat my ass off in 13 years....
Carol kept me plenty busy: had to run to the Italain food store for various items ($17 for Roasted Peppers, WTF?), then I stopped by the Party Store for tablecloths, napkins and plates, and I got ice also. I did a nice job of decorating the tablecloths with stars and flags, but I'm getting worried: I'm over 40, I'm single, I dress like a Metrosexual, I'm neat, I apprently have a knack for decoration, and I kinda like Bravo. I MIGHT be Gay ..... not that there's anything wrong with that.....
Yes, The Manny was in full force yesterday: I watched Stevie, drove home a couple friends, made a much-needed cigarette run for Carol, and even stayed up til 400AM to clean up so Carol wouldn't wake up to a dirty yard. I am awesome..... With that, we don't have a whole lot in politics to discuss, but we'll try anyway.... bring on the Fuzz !!!!
I'm not sure it was real, but I saw a Newsweek cover with Nikki Haley on it. A Haley win would be all nice and well, but it might be wise to wait until she actually wins to call her 'The New Face of Southern Politics'. With the primary and runoff win, we think Will Folks' career could be in jeopardy. We still believe him, and he was backed into a corner, but Will's gonna have a hard time being believed from here on.....
Meanwhile, Haley supporter, Sarah Palin, has been dogged by suggestions that she had a boob job somewhere along the way. After having 5 kids, i'd have to agree that they've been worked on. Yesterday, Carol's niece was on the trampoline, showing off her recently enhanced hooters. Rule of thumb: if they ain't moving , they ain't real, and Palin's seem to be standing at attention... BTW, I saw my first Jenna Jameson clip this week, and I was a bit disappointed, although the guy she worked with didn't have much to offer, if you catch my drift....
Best news of the week: though we may not agree much with it, we have to admit the timing of re-enacting the $8000 home buyer tax credit couldn't have been better. I dropped about $6k this week to get the place ready,and it should be going on the market by month's end....
If you never knew it, Fuzzy Thoughts was patterned after Larry King's column. Like his, it is often non-sensical, but at least it has variety. Well, word is King's CNN show is coming to a close after a precipitous ratings drop. Who are we going to pick on now? Don't worry, we'll find someone.....
You know, it gets harder to support Michael Steele when the guy can't even get his facts straight. Yeah Mike, Bush was the first to go to Afghanistan, not Obama... We might agree that the war there could be unwinnable, but you get more credit when you don't look like you're polticizing events with revisionist history.... Kudos to Bill Connor for stepping up as Chairman of Jim Pratt's campaign to unseat Whipper Clyburn. It's a tough chore, but we applaud his willingness to stick his neck out and help.....
Lastly, we've found a new home in the BlogNetNews ratings - Number 13. Nope, it's hard to stay up near the top working the hours we are, but we do appreciate the readers we have... OTOH, P-Luv is become a ratings juggernaut at Number 7. We've created a Monster....

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