Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts: The Sleeping Dog Edition

It finally happened. After three months of constantly having to either work, go out of town, or host a gigantic party at my house, I at long last did NOTHING but rest and sleep this weekend. Two days of ZZZZ's and bliss. Football season somehow always does that. We're going to need it this week: Rick is on suspension, Dwayne is on vacation this week, and Vinny is off Monday, so that leaves only three advisors, instead of the usual six. My guess is the bosses will buy me lunch as bribery for skipping my lunch break/much needed catnap. I also have to work Saturday this week, which wasn't scheduled. Enjoy the rest - and the fuzziness - while you can....

As usual, the weather first: perfect today - about 75 and Sunny. A great day to waste indoors, which I gladly did. Food shopping and lanudry done by 1:00PM, just in time to watch..... Chicago vs Dallas and Miami vs. Minnesota ???!!!! WTF? The G-Men battle Peyton and the Colts, so I focused more on my fantasy team. We had a cakewalk last week, but this week is tougher. I'm already regretting not starting Matt Ryan, but we're hoping Kyle Orton puts some TD's up on Seattle...

The big news this week is the return of my brother Matty, from South Carolina. he came back almost to the day of me returning last year, for much the same reason - better pay up here. The problem is that his place isn't ready yet, so we're sharing a bed... The first couple days were tough - my bro snores, talks and humms in his sleep - but we're adjusting.

The final steps are almost complete for the impending sale of the Millridge House. The inspection is done,with only two minor repairs needed (told you it was in good shape), and the tentative date for closing is September 30th at 2:00PM. I haven't gotten confirmation from my bosses to let me off yet..... uhh, but I HAVE to go get my stuff out and close. We'll do something while I'm down there (probably one night on the lake). After that, the situation gets complicated. My days here at Fantasyland (aka, Joe and Carol's) are numbered. No one has said anything yet, but I think it's time. I have an open invitation at my friend Julie's in the posh Dix Hills area, but I need to work things out first to not ruffle any feathers. It'll all make more sense soon...

OH YEAH - POLITICS!! Yes, the Tea Party is definitely making it's presence felt, but exactly how much power can Sarah Palin get from it when her negative numbers are nearly 50% ? Right now, they are successful at taking their own (re: the GOP 'RINO's) out.... Can they cross the aisle and get the moderates to join them? We'll see. Not impossible, but not easy either.

As I write this lookign out my window, I'm amused by everyone slowing down to get a peek at Joe's Lamborghini Murcielago in the driveway. Yes, Carol and I think Joe's lost his mind, but he can afford it, and it's given Carol carte blanche to get anything she wants. How much does Joe make? As a percentage of income, the Lambo was a more prudent buy than me buying the 2005 Avalon....

Heard Barack Obama feverishly begged a coalition of black elected officials to go to work to save the Democratic majority in Congress. If I were African-American, there are times when I would just feel like the most unappreciated POS by the Dems. How many times can they go to the well before AA's give up on them? P-Luv might answer, 'As long as there's just the Dems and the GOP? - FOREVER !!!!' No wonder they have no hope for the future.....My favorite line? 'Go to your homes, your churches, the barbershop and the beauty salon' - like their lives are one big version of an Ice Cube movie.....

Enjoy the week, and look for any updates on Facebook of when I'm coming down....


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Mike-I remember in the early days of the 1980 Presidential race, Ronald Reagan also had some high negative numbers prior to the election and we all know how that turned out! Now, let me be clear I am not promoting Gov. Palin, but any negative numbers this far out from Nov. 2012 are like the numbers predicting earthquakes in California...interesting but they hold as much water as a collander...teg
