Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Picture of the Day...

Why I'm the Only One in NY Who Thinks This Is Wrong ...

     Yes, in New York they can be a little self-centered. Other places in the world don't matter, and they sure as hell don't know jack about South Carolina college rivalries... So, when they decorated the office in an Autumn motif of orange and garnet balloons, I questioned it a little.

     'Hey, you can't put garnet and orange together - they don't match', I said... 'Why not?', asked the decorator with a look of confusion. 'Because they naturally clash - orange is Clemson and garnet is Carolina.... They just don't go together!" was my reasoning.  To which I got, 'Who the f**k are Carolina and Clemson'.   Some days, my work is really cut out for me here.......



  1. west_rhino2:05 PM

    Virginia Tech colours...

  2. Hokie Dokey, Rhino... Guess it is all relative, isn't it?

  3. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Mike-when Carolina clobbers Clemson on TV and then wins the SEC East and beats Auburn for the SEC title you can tell everyone where South Carolina is...GO COCKS!!...teg

  4. Va Tech was the first thing that crossed my mind.
