Saturday, November 27, 2010

Obama Takes One in the Face - Literally.

Someone Make Sure That Guy Wasn't a Republican !!!

     In life, we all have our rough patches. Those times when just nothing seems to go right. Usually, it's mostly work-related things, where you don't actually show any physical signs of the pain your in... Then you literally get jacked up!  Barack Obama has had a bad month - and now he has the scars to prove it.

     Stitches to prove it is more correct... This week, Obama was taking part is his usual pick-up basketball game, when the hypothetical pain turned into the literal pain, as he caught an elbow from another player flush in the mouth, and had to get 12 stitches to close it.  At least he has all his teeth still, because it would be embarrassing to have a President that looked like Alfred E. Neuman from Mad Magazine....

We imagine it would look something like this.......

     Yes, people in politics are generally overcompetitive people who once thought they'd be rock stars or NFL All-Pro's. Get them on a court or ballfield, and they suddenyl forget who the hell they are.. Rey Cerenega, who works for some BS government -related agency, got a rebound, and we guess he swung his arms around like Darryl 'Chocolate Thunder' Dawkins - and plowed his elbow into The President.  For his actions, Cerenega will be charged with assaulting a President and overactive rebounding, for which the penalty of course, is Death...

     Cerenega seemed only marginally sorry for KO'ing Obama.  He called him a great competitor and good ballplayer, but the words "I'm sorry for f**king up the Leader of the Free World' wasn't there.  Word is, every GOP intern and page are singing up for a crack at Obama now... With any luck, Obama didn't brush his teeth that day, and Cerenega will get nasty staph infection. In the meantime, Obama will have a Bubba Lip for the next couple weeks.  Don't expect any press conferences or speeches soon.... HO-BUP, AND-BA CHA-BANGE-BA !!!!


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