Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sumter Little Theatre Gets It's Acting Props...

Braden Bunch's Company Named Best in SC .....

     While we always jokingly called the Sumter GOP meetings 'The Braden Bunch Show', because it had a feel much like a talk show ( and Braden always had a coffee mug handy), the County Chair does take his acting seriously.... and it's paid off.

    Last week, at the South Carolina Theatre Association's annual Community Theatre Festival, Sumter Little Theatre took home top honors for Best Performance, Outstanding Ensemble Cast, Best Director and Best Actor.  No clue as to whether they have an award for Special Effects...They now will go onto represent South Carolina in the Southeastern Theatre Conference's 10-state festival in March...

    Braden, who is President of SLT's Board of Directors (the guy wears a lot of hats, doesn't he?), spoke correctly in local theatre's importance to the local economy and quality of life. "The arts in general, and theatre specifically, play an important role in a community’s quality-of-life,” said Bunch. “They do this not just by providing entertainment, but by also providing educational opportunities for the area’s citizens and by aiding in economic development by making its community a desirable destination for employers and employees alike.”

Kudos to Braden, who is top notch in everything he does, and all the members of the Sumter Little Theatre for a great job. Yeah, we still do community news - even from 700 miles away - but it helps if you e-mail it to us...



  1. I always said Braden was a great Actor. Congratulations.

  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Congratulations to Braden! He is truly a asset to Sumter...teg
