Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our Rejected 'Alternate Blog Ideas' ....

A Blog About John Mayer's 'Best Friend'?

      Like we've said, the blogging has been weighing a bit heavy on us lately.. Usually, the first thing you try to do is work harder at it, but since time is so short, we thought briefly about another way - an alternative blog.  That is, a right turn into a totally different field to renew our passion. The problem is that we don't really give a crap about anything.  Still, we decided to try and overcome our ambivalence, and think of some great new ideas for blogs. When you see what we came up with, you'll understand why we'll be clsoing up shop soon. Here they are......


Essentially, we would be continuing SC6, but with a focus on our home here on Long Island. We'd be the voice of cost cutting and snaity in an insane area, and we'd rail against those who take so much from our pockets.  Problem was, we are afraid that a garbage man would come up and put a bullet in our head, never to be seen again. Pass.....


Great idea - find every good Southern BBQ joint in New York, and blog about the adventures.  Too bad there are none... Haven't found a vinegar-based sauce yet here.

Blue-Gray Blog

  Like the BBQ Blog, except I trace the Civil War from beginning to end across America by going to every battlefield, and meet all the important people involved.  Too bad I get one day a week off, have no vacations, and all every authority on the Civil War is dead...

SC6 & Julia

    I spend the next few years re-creating recipes from Julia Child's 'Joy of Cooking' book, and I blog about it... Wait a second, that idea has already been done.  DAMMIT !!!!

Pop Music Hit List

   I make a list of people in music that I Mark For Death, and my legion of followers carries them out for me... First on the List is Justin Bieber.... Nah, too creepy, and we're not exactly the Hit List Type.

NY Sports Blog

      Yeah Buddy, you and everyone else. Besides, everyone up here is 'an expert'.

John Mayer's Penis

    Seriously, this was an idea I had for a while - A blog about the life and times of the biggest Johnson in Rock Music today. Didn't know that? Know you do.... Picture it: a daily diary of Big John.  Hanging in the studio, going inside Jennifer Love Hewitt, going on tour, going inside Jessica Simpson, hanging out in South Beach, going inside Jennifer Aniston.  It could have been great!  Since we don't actually KNOW John Mayer, it would be 100% fiction from the mind of yours truly, but we have a pretty good idea of what it's like...

Too bad none of them really got our boat going...... If you have other ideas, we're all ears.


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