Sunday, December 19, 2010

SC6 New Music Pick: Guster, 'Do You Love Me?'

Someone's Ready For Christmas Morning .....

     We almost forgot our new music pick.... Time is short - 4 hard days til our weekend off (our first Christmas Eve off since college), so we need sleep... Instead of playing a video of a Christmas song, we decided to play a song that sure sounds a lot like a Christmas song, Boston-based Guster's 'Do You Love Me?'  Don't answer that question, we already know the answer.  We are unloveable......

    It must be the bells playing - or the band's obvious penchant for Long John's (Thermal Underwear to the rest of you).... Whatever reason, it sure makes us think of Christmas....

      In fact, Guster DOES have a Christmas song as well, called 'Tiny Tree'. Charlie Brown would be proud.  Here's that one as well.....Our Christmas gift to you - you were expecting an actual present?   HAHAHAHAAHAHA !!!!!


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