Sunday, December 19, 2010

SC6 Turns Five .... And a Day!

Make a Wish .... Sorry, The Blog Hasn't Ended Yet!

      We apologize for our tardiness on celebrating the 5th Anniversary of SC6, but it has been CRAZY busy around here... By our count, we worked 17 of the last 19 days, 11.5 hrs per day. One of the two days off was spent watching Stevie for 11 hours, so we're considering that as work also.  Therefore, we've had exactly ONE day off.  Yeah, we're a bit exhausted...

     Today, we had off, but it was spent apartment hunting, and we're happy to say that we finally found a winner... Joe & Carol are probably happier than me, but they haven't shown it yet....

      Yes, it was five years ago yesterday that we started SC6 in a lightly-furnished apartment in the West Ashley section of Charleston, South Cackilacky.  While the focus and popularity of the blog has changed and waned, we still find it hard to believe that we've kept this up for so long - longer than out first marriage, or any job we've ever held.  Come to think of it, I've had nine jobs since I started SC6. With that in mind, we're trying to keep this job for a longer period of time.

     So, how much longer are we going to keep this up? Not much. We had thoughts about stopping it today, but are getting close to a milestone post number - 3000, baby! - and we think that's where we'll end it.  Yes, we've cried wolf a dozen times before, but frankly we think we did our job.  America has gotten fed up with Washington, and they finally got the point, as evidenced by the new bi-partisan tax cut.

    Also, Florence now has a Kohl's, two Wal-Mart's and a Creek Ratz (although a hole filled with water does not contsitute 'waterfront dining').  There are no more mountains to climb.  Short of fixing the education problem on the I-95 corridor, and bringing unemployment under 10%, things are alright..  Those problems may be unfixable..

   So, let's blow out the candles today, and begin the countdown to our last 50 or so posts... We'd save you a piec of cake, but actually tastes pretty crappy...



  1. Lets do another Five. Just do one post every now and then. It has been interesting and fun. Stay warm my friend.

  2. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Five years! It seems like only yesterday you were a wet behind the ears Congressional aspiriant. It has been a great experience watching you get a handle on this mystery called Sout Carolina politics and in the process taking time to shed some light on the flaws and faults.

    Let's hope there are more years and posts to come. Sometimes its fun watching someone point out our faults...teg

  3. Happy fifth you carpetbagger you...

  4. Thanks guys, and Merry Christmas to you and your families - even you P-Luv. We need a repeat of my last trip there!
