Sunday, January 02, 2011

Cartoon of the Week ...

    Happy New Year !   Yes, we're back.  We were trying to post some interesting topics during the week, but with the big move, we couldn't pull it off... We'll get back to that later.

    There was no single dominant point of conversation in the political cartoon world this week, but to us, that's a good thing...  Gays in the military, the snowstorm and TSA feelups, End of Life counseling, Hugh Hefner - it was all over the place. But, it is New Year's, so we're going with this one about the billions of Year in Review Lists... Hey, maybe we should put out a Top Ten Posts of 2010!


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Let's just sum it up with Happy New Year and a resolution to finish 2011 better than it started!...teg
