Sunday, January 16, 2011

Civil War History Post 1: Secession Week

       As promised, we're marking the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War - the event that singularly made America the country it is today - by noting major events as they occured chronologically.  January, 1861 was generally a slow month - with one major exception....

    South Carolina was the first states to officially secede from the Union on December 20, 1860, after pulling both their Senators from Washington DC.  For three weeks, they stood alone in their resistance. Then, the dominoes fell fast and in rapid succession, what we call Secession Week.

     Yes, the call from the South to leave the Union caught momentum on January 9, 1861, when Mississippi vote to secede, followed by Florida on the 10th, Alabama on the 11th, and Georgia on the 19th. Louisiana also left on the 26th, and Texas quickly joined the Confederacy on February 1st. 

     These were the states that left the Union up to the point of Fort Sumter, when Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina left - guess that's why they're called Tar Heels... Kentucky went the Swiss route and declared itself neutral - until Confederate forces entered the state in September.  Nice try, guys....  

    It was said that South Carolina was too small to be a country, and too big to be an insane asylum. After that week, the asylum got much larger - and the chances of reforming the Union peacefully became much less likely.   The stage was set for conflict, and the South soon took the next step - forming a Government.  It happened 150 years ago this week....



  1. Did you realize your adopted home, Florence, once tried to secede from South Carolina? True story. I think it was early 1800s and it was over...wait for it...prohibition. They tried to shut down stills. Florence said "Eff You, Mofos...we're out this bitch" and they had to send the state militia here. Imagine suffering the Pee Dee with no booze. If that ain't cruel and unusual punishment, I don't know what is...

  2. LOL. I didn't know that. pluvlaw I'm not sure that the Pee Dee is apart of SC. At least the US SC. Perhaps the confederate SC. I'm telling you it will be a great day when reconstruction actually starts here.

  3. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Hello, I new yours frient on this forum)
