Sunday, January 16, 2011

Florence County GOP Sticks It's Finger in the Pickle Jar .... Bill Pickle , That Is!

It's the Florence GOP's Newest Chairman ....

     This should give you an idea of just how far out of the loop I have become in South Carolina politics... I had no idea that Joe Griffin had resigned as Chairman of the Florence County GOP.  We will contact Joe ASAP, and try to find out exactly what occured.  Yes, the Chairman job is not an easy one, especially if you have a business to run. Lots of people find that once they take the gig, but overall Joe did a good job, and we hope he still stays active..

     With Joe G.'s departure, the locals got together this week, and chose Bill Pickle as the newest Chair.  While Bill has been an active member of the party, we were just a little surprised with his running.  He's a lot like us - active, hardworking, and he even has a blog, In the Pickle Barrel, that focuses on politics.  Bill is a good egg, and we look forward to him doing a good job...

     And in a case of that which is old being new again, Stephanie McLaughlin-Rawlinson was voted into the job she resigned/was forced from last year as Vice-Chair.  Our love/not love (we'd never classify it as hate) relationship with Steph is well documented.  She is smart, organized and as hard a worker as the local GOP has ever had. Our hope is that for Round 2 as Vice-Chair, she works better with those that may not agree 100% with how she feels, and focuses less on the dirty side of politics within the party.  I've always said it's just politics, which I'm sure she does not agree with, but I'm sure somewhere in between is right...

    For now, these positions are temporary, until the county convention takes place later this year.  But, it is a tryout for the jobs, and we'll see how things pan out in the months leading up to it.  We wish all of them luck, and to all our friends in the Florence GOP....



  1. Renee Woodberry5:31 PM

    You are a very rude man. I actually have you as a friend on FB, but not any longer. This blog is written with poor taste and a very critical and judgmental nature. Who made you judge? Judge not, lest ye be judged. Bless you man.

    Renee K. Woodberry
    Florence County GOP/WRC

  2. Renee, I'll just have to trudge on, and focus on the other 800+ Facebook friends that I have, and the 10-20000 people per month that read SC6.

    I'm assuming that you're not happy with my being honest about my opinion of Stephanie. It's called being objective - not judgemental. We all have good points and bad, and mine are well-documented.

    My right to 'judge' comes from 2 things: The First Amendment and my being involved in SC politics for the past 7 years, well before you guys decided to 'get involved' a year or two ago. I've earned it...

  3. On a followup note, I heard from Bill, and a couple other friends from the Florence GOP... Bill's goals for leading the GOP are on target and realistic, and he's well aware of the challenges facing him. He'll be fine...

  4. Good grief...

    Here's a tip: Reino's not rude...he's just a yankee.

  5. Anonymous9:22 AM

    It is STUNNING to hear how hypocritical Renee Woodbury is, accusing others of having a "critical and judgmental nature" after the nasty, critical and slanderous things she wrote on her Facebook page regarding Ed Clements during the election!!! He walked into the church late, with the pastor who invited him having prior knowledge that he would be coming from another event, and she couldn't wait to talk trash about how rude he was, had no business being there, etc., and making judgments about his Christianity. She certainly didn't mind making judgments regarding things she knew nothing about, as long as it suited her purposes. Some people are incapable of seeing the beam in their own eye!

  6. Mal Weatherly9:41 AM

    "Our hope is that for Round 2 as Vice-Chair, she works better with those that may not agree 100% with how she feels, and focuses less on the dirty side of politics within the party."

    Too late! In retaliation over our support for Ed Clements, she has already orchestrated the move to kick Dr. Neal Thigpen and me out of the Florence County GOP. And since following the bylaws didn't go far enough to satisfy her intolerance for dissent, she also motioned that we be "prohibited" from "ever" being able to represent the county party in "any" capacity! (She's never been one to let state laws get in the way of what she wants.) It seems the "dirty side of politics" is just a part of who she is.

  7. Mal, that is a shame... I know we talked often about the need for differing views within the party to keep it strong. We probably don't agree 100% on everything, but we respect every one's right to their opinion.

    The ruling on that matter does need to come from above and down - not from the bottom up.

  8. So besides being a jerk what else are you?

  9. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Mike, Chairman Bill Pickle is great, he has jumped in with both feet and building a team already. Stephanie Rawlinson is our new First Vice Chairman of the FCGOP in charge of volunteers. She has never held the position before. I am so pleased she was willing to do this job and I was delighted to place her name in nomination. She is very capable of this job and we are fortunate to have her. Our new Florence City Councilman, Glynn Willis, (Republican yeah!), was our First Vice Chairman and did an excellent job. He decided to resign to allow himself all the time that will be required to be the greatest councilman we have ever had in the city of Florence. We are all so proud of him. The FCGOP is busy preparing for a special election to fill Ken Ard's county council seat. We are working hard to keep it Republican.I know folks don't think it matters at the local level, but it does.
    Mike, we miss your rude critical self(hehehe), hope you are doing well.

    Betty Dowling

  10. I certainly wish all the FCGOP the best.

  11. Anonymous2:01 PM

    To Anonymous,
    You must work for solicitor's office because you obviously have nothing better to do than to stalk people's facebooks all day and post negative comments on second rate blogs. Yay for 4 more years of an unsafe, gang infested Florence County!

  12. Anon 201, we're still debating our status here.... We're either a third rate blog, or a first-rate second-rate blog!

  13. Ron McGill4:59 PM

    Mike I've read your post and I'm trying to figure out what was rude. If you find out please let me know. If you don't I'll find you to be a VERY rude and insensitive young man. I'll un-friend you just so I can re-friend you so I can un-friend you again.

    P.S. I've resigned what ever position I may or may not have had. I'm hoping that the can use the twitter account I set up and the youtube. It would be nice if they actually used some of the things for the benefit of the party. I wish them as much luck as possible. I think that Bill and Steph will do a great job. 2.5 months is not a lot of time but here's hoping they get it right.
