Sunday, January 30, 2011

SC6 New Music Pick: Ray LaMontagne 'For the Summer'

     We've got some babysitting duties to tackle this afternoon.  Such is the price you pay for staying with friends free for a year.  It'll be nice to get out of the apartment for a couple hours anyway... We should drop another post or two later tonight, but just in case, we'll do our New Music pick...

   We'll keep it quiet and relaxing this Sunday. Ray Lamontagne first came to us when we found him on Ms. X's old MySpace page.  You've probably heard his first hit, 'Trouble' on commercials.  The dog taking his bone to the bank, freakign out, and eventually burying it in his backyard? Today, we'll play 'For the Summer'....

    Maybe becuase it's been cold for so long, but we like this one.  It reminds us of old Neil Young, except LaMontagne sings much better than Young does.  Hope you enjoy it, and thanks as always for reading.


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