Sunday, February 13, 2011

SC6 Hits Another Milestone ....

      Just a quick note to let you know we passed another milestone of sorts this week. has been keeping track of our blog hits since July, and yesterday, we cracked the 100,000 hit barrier. 

     Yeah, it was a bit of a surprise to find out that 15-20,000 people check out SC6 each and every month.  No, we are not the biggest, nor the best blog, but we do pretty damned well here.  Of course, without our loyal readers across the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia, we would be nothing.  So, thank you to our seven actual readers who contribute to the dialogue, the others who find SC6 a guilty pleasure, but don't tell anyone... Thanks also to the porn sites, illegal drug pages and other places that find us a good place to find more readers..



  1. nice figure

  2. Remember that time you told me if you hit 100k it was nothing but Cristal and booty in the VIP room for us???

  3. Bobby9:26 PM

    15-20k a month, or a year??

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Pluv--if you can get Mike to come back for that, the 2nd round is on me...teg

  5. Bobbo, that is 15-20000 per month.

  6. P-Luv, I believe you have me mixed up with the time you were partying with P. Diddy......
