Sunday, February 06, 2011

We Couldn't Find Sandy's Super Bowl XLV Pick, So We'll Do It Ourselves

Will Hines Ward Still Be Smiling at Game's End?

       Last year, we told you about Sandy,a dog who went to an amazing 7-0 on Super Bowl picks after getting the Saints correctly.  In such a tight game, we decided that whoever the dog was picking would be our choice.  Well, we looked high and low, and we couldn't find Sandy's pick. We can only assume Sandy went to Doggie Heaven. Rest in Peace.  So, we're going to have to work on improving our 3-5 record so far...

     On paper, this could be a great game - which means it will probably be a blowout. We're due for one, but I'm not picking one today. Both teams are just too talented to get their asses kicked.  Two of the best defenses in the game, and terrific offenses to boot.  The Steelers and Packers are two of the original teams in the league, with tough records in the big game. The Pack are 3-1 and the Steelers are 6-0 in Super Bowls not QB'd by Neil O'Donnell ... So, how do you analyze it? We'll try....

   Everyone is predicting a track meet, but the defenses are better than most think.  I am scared at just how good Aaron Rodgers will be on the turf at Dallas after seeing him absolutely shred Atlanta. The Steelers are built for grass, and they will run a lot to keep the ball out of the Packers' hands.  the Pack's running will be just enough to keep Pittsburgh honest. 

    The real difference will be in the passing game.  The Steelers have a good crop of recievers, with Antonio Brown and Emmanuel Sanders coming on at the right time.  Their secondary is good, but can be beat.  Troy Polamalu's effectiveness is based on timing, and Aaron Rodgers superquick release is enough to beat him.  Charles Woodson will lock down on Hines Ward, so Mike Wallace must be beat Sam Shields of Green Bay.  Everyone keeps trying , but Shields has come up huge all postseason.  

    Ben Roethlisberger might be able to create from the tight coverage, but he is just as apt to make a costly mistake.  They need to run to slow the Packers LB's down. On the flipside, as good as Green Bay's rush is, Pittsburgh's is better.  That is their key. If James Harrison and Flotown's Lawrence Timmons can disrupt Rodgers' timing, force turnovers, or take him out of the game, they can win.

    In the end, Rodgers and those receivers will hit the short routes early, run a little and be patient.  There's just too much speed on offense and a tough enough D to handle Big Ben.   Packers 27-20.


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