Sunday, March 06, 2011

A Call to Arms .... It's Precinct Reorganization Time !!

        Want to Play A Part?  You Gotta Be In It First !!

       While most voters think that 2011 is an off year for politics, the truth is that the odd number years are just as, if not more important that the even years.   These are when the political parties organize, or more correctly, reorganized.

      Yes, positions from National Party Chair to precinct captains are up for grabs.  Personally, the Florence GOP will need a Precinct Chair, Vice-Chair and every other position to take over for me, since I'm unable to attend... It sounds a bit cliche', but without being involved in the party of your choice, you have very little power. By being involved, your influence is maximized.  You work with people that you may not agree with 100%, but the goals are in the end, common...

    Now that I've convinced you, how do you get involved?  First, you need to attend precinct reorganization. You can't just show up at the county or state convention, and expect to vote.  It all starts local, then gets bigger - like a groundswell... You need to go to and find the date of your home county's precinct elections.  Some precincts may be tough to get a gig in, but many have more spots than attendees. Chances are, they will BEG you to take part...

    The door to really work for your party only opens up every 2 years, and that time is now.  Do as I say: get off your ass, go to reorganization, and get involved!  Who knows - you might like it!


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