Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fuzzy Thoughts: The Many Splendored Thing Edition

Women Are Like An Onion .... You Have To Peel Them a Layer at a Time, and You Always End Up Crying When Your Done!

      Welcome to the return of Fuzzy Thoughts!  It's been a while since we had our serial post come back. Honestly, there hasnt been much different going on lately outside of the usual fare. When that happens, you take a break from it...   

     A while back, our social calendar was actually pretty good. Nothing great, but at least we had a couple dates here and there. The well has dried up, and what is left is nothing short of strange.  We're still on Match, but I haven't gotten a wink or reply in months.  Meanwhile, on the actual face to face front, it is nothing short of frustrating.  I once was kinda involved with someone before I left, and it has rekindled in a way, but that is impossible now.  I also have been going out with an old friend from college, but I can't read this girl for anything. She calls and calls, but when we go out, nothing happens. Meanwhile, it looks like I'm out with her, but it goes nowhere, and I miss out on other possibilities. Screwed up all around.. yet, we remain positive.  Hey, it IS me we're talking about.. It'll happen.  Onto the fuzziness....

    First, the weather.  It's that time where you will likely laugh at me. It's a bi cool - 50's, although it did hit the mid-60's last week.  Spring is almost here, but when it was 20 for four months, it still feels nice.

     Very frustrating week all around: definitely a full moon crazy week.  Massive 2 week notices at work, and a major spat with the drummer of my band.  Not much I can do at work, but at least my job is secure, and I'm actually making more. The band problem worked out as well: we backed up our show 2 weeks to practice more, but I still got to pay it where I wanted. We also found a second place to play as well. Had no idea I was such a good negotiator until now...

    Still adjusting to life in Commack.  I finally found a beer distributor, gas station and drug store here.  Unfortunately, the Pathmark grocery store was closed 2 weeks after I filled out my MVP card. It was a nice ride... Speaking of losses, after waiting 10 months for Samuel Adams White Ale to come back, i found out that they stopped selling it as a seasonal brew. It only comes in variety packs, where I have to drink 10 crappy beers to get 2 White Ales - and it doesn't taste quite as good as I remember. Think I'm gonna find me some Rolling Rock and just enjoy it, rather than the Beer Stuntpilot routine...

   How quickly we forget: after thinking what does the Japan disaster matter to me, I quickly remembered than I do know someone in Japan - my old tenant, Hiro.  I couldn't find him on Facebook, so I tried another route... I located the Honda ATV plant in Japan where everyone in South Carolina was trained, and it turns out the plant is in extreme Southwestern Japan - the completely opposite side of the country from the earthquake and meltdown. Looks like he's OK, but I still don't know for sure.. 

     In sports, more proof this week that the gigantic five game Big East tourney only wipes out all the teams come March Madness time.  Even worse, we forgot to do our annual tourney picks this year. Please forgive us...

   I bought the new CD's from Adele and Mumford and Sons (I finally went to Best Buy for something!).  Adele's CD is great, but I haven't made it to listen to the M&S yet..  Right now, I'm watching 500 Days of Summer for the 20th time on cable this month. Still haven't figured out what I like about Zooey Deschanel, but I do like the line "I haven't gotten a blowjob or a handjob. No jobs - I'm still unemployed"...

    A question to Nikki Haley: South Carolina has very few billionaires - how many more do you plan on pissing off?  Meanwhile, Rome burns a little bit more...


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