Sunday, March 13, 2011

Like We Said, We're Always One Step 'Ahead' Of You Up North ....

     Recently, we noted the big smoking war that came to Flotown this month. At the time, we told you that every stupid public awareness idea that ever comes to South Carolina happens in New York first.  Just when you thought they couldn't create any more intrusive rules to what you can/can't do, we just got another one this week...

    Here on Long Island, two mommy county legislators introduced a bill to ban smoking with children in cars.  Now, we all know the dangers of second hand smoke on adults and children, but a quick look at outlawing smoking with kids in cars shows how shortsighted legislating 'common sense' really is...

   We'll be quick, because there is just a much scientific evidence to show that these two dummies really didn't do their homework on this one.  Here's our argument: Mommy and/or Daddy smoke.  As long as there is a kid in the car, they can't smoke.  But, if the kids are out, they can smoke, right?  OK, what happens to the smoke enclosed in the car? It stays, it incubates inside the car and immerses itself into the seat and cloth of the vehicle. Ever get into a car fove hours after someone smokes in it? How does it smell? It reeks.  So, now, it's ok to put the kids in the car, right?  Uhh....

    Like most bills, No Smoking In Cars is a thoughtful idea, with little thought to it's application.  The only way for this to work is to tag a car with a 'No Kids' tag, to allow people to smoke in cars, or outrightly ban smoking in cars altogether.  Try passing that one....  Remember, the long-held comment of 'There Oughta Be a Law' rarely ever is workable.  Whoever voted these two in needs to find people who actually understand the bigger picture in legislation.....


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Mike--I'll take your no smoking in cars bit one step further. I have heard some of the supporters of Flotown's no smoking ordinance suggest that parents should not be allowed to smoke not just in their cars but in their homes! I asked one of the people what about a person's property rights to do what they wanted in their home. Her response was to compare smoking to drugs and liquor and state that they should all be outlawed.

    As usual the looney tune fringe is driving this ordiance with no thought to how this will impact a sizeable portion of the population or the slippery slope that it puts us on towards increasing the power of "nanny state" (thank you George Will).

    The irony of this is that liberals like to call conservative Republicans fascists but with legistation like this, liberals would be best served to look in a mirror first....teg
