Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sarah's First Communion...

      But, not all things were bad this week.... Yesterday, Sarah recieved her first communion.  It was a perfect day at Sts. Philip and James Church in St. James, NY - not a cloud in the sky, and maybe 60 degrees.  More importantly, it was great to see lots of kids becoming closer to and understanding God and the sacrifices made for them. 

    First communions are great, in part because seeing 50-60 7 and 8 year olds dressed to a T, taking their first Eucharist and 'wine', representing the body and blood of Christ.  It was my first service in a Catholic church in some time, and things have changed.  I remember Catholic services being quite dull and rigid - each service was the same- and the priests were pretty shy and dull.  I think the message that The Church needs to 'sell' itself has sunk in.  It wasn't a Broadway show, but I'd equate it with a Baptist service.  Sorry, no snakes or speaking in tongues....

   I'll be very honest here on one part: during the service, watching all the kids and their parents, the thought that I missed out on all the great small and big things in life sunk in.  Except for Ben, who seemingly could care less, all of my friends have kids or are married and planning on it.  Yeah, it was all great watching someone so close to me do this, but the thought that this should have been 'my kid' was not lost on me.  It took me about 2 hours and three glasses of wine at the reception to drag myself out of the funk.

    Speaking of which, as usual, Joe and Carol threw a great reception afterwards, succeeded by the afterparty at the house. I had to make TWO beer runs, and they requested at third when I finally put my foot down, and went home at 2:00am.  Word is, a few of them are a bit under the weather. But, overall it was a great day. Congrats, Sarah!



  1. To paraphrase The Sopranos:

    What kind of animal smokes marijuana at Sarah's communion?!?!

  2. Congratulations sweetie! You are so pretty with that dress!
