Sunday, April 10, 2011

SC6 New Music Pick: Paul Simon 'The Afterlife'

He May Be Almost 70, But He's Still Kicking Ass !!

     Old rockers are a funny tribe. It used to be when you turned 40, you were too old to rock.  Maybe even 30.. Anyway, old rockers never die - they just write shitty material.  Not Paul Simon... A music stalwart the past 45 years, Simon releases a new album on Tuesday. Judging from the first two tracks we've heard, he shows no signs of slowing down from writing inventive and funny music.  The guy is just damned good, adn even at this age , he is still two steps ahead of you and I.....

     Today, we give you an unofficial clip of his newest release, 'The Afterlife'. Like the title infers, it's about passing through the Gates of Heaven - only to find that - much like the DMV - getting in is a series of lines, bureuacracy and traffic jams.  It never ends.... Enjoy the clip!


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:09 PM

    The Afterlife is definitely a shitty song...about filling out forms and standing in line. Just awful. I would include Simon in the list of old performers who should just stick with the past and not humiliate themselves in their old age.
