Saturday, May 14, 2011

Easy Does It, South Carolina ....

SC Leaders Are Publicly Shitting Bricks, But We Don't See Much To the NLRB Board Hearing In June....

      The big brouhaha this week in the Palmetto State was the announcement that they will entertain a hearing about the legality of Boeing's North Chucktown plant.  We haven't seen so many politicians wake up from their desks and spring onto the podium since they dumped the styrofoam cups at the Capitol cafeteria...  Like most stupid events, the hearing is nothing, and everyone knows it...

     The gist of the complaint is that Boeing, which has a unionized workforce based in Washington State, is trying to sidestep paying union wages by building the $2 billion plant in South Cackilacky.  In a very small way, it's correct, but on the whole, it's bullshit.  Of course Boeing is trying to save some bucks by building the 787 Dreamliner in the Palmetto State, which is a Right to Work state.  Last time we checked, Boeing's goal is to make a profit, and a good one at that.  

     The determining factor - and the complaints major flaw - is that to prove that case, they have to show that Boeing is building the plant at existing workers expense.  They're not firing people in Washington and hiring in SC - they're just adding labor in another location.  It's totally legal.  

     How obvious is this case?  Even Democrats aren't talking about this case.  As much as the Democrats owe Labor, they know they have no leg to stand on here.  This case will die, and Boeing will continue on.  It was nice to see everyone serving the public in South Carolina get off their asses , and let us know they're still alive.... Back to bed guys!


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