Saturday, May 14, 2011

SC6 Erection 2012: The Hard On For the Presidency Makes It's First Prediction

Mike Huckabee's Showing Off His Strong Pimp Hand, But Is He Running Or Not Next Year?

      After last week's tepid Presidential debate, it appears the major players on the GOP side are beginning to get into the race.  Newt Gingrich is in, Donald Trump appears to be out. Mitch Daniels is thinking hard about it. Meanwhile, the world waits with baited breath on word from 2008 Third Place finisher Mike Huckabee on whether he will run again as well.  Here is our prediction...... Wait for it...... Almost there.

    OK, here it is.... Huckabee is going to run.  If for any reason, we hope he will run for the sake of ending his TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE Fox News show.  I saw one episode, and Public Access Cable puts on better shows.  Shaaaaaa-Wing!  Party on, Garth!   

    Now, for more legitimate reasons why we think he's running.  First off, he had that show as a free platform for his campaign. Secondly, he's already booked for Fox News Sunday, which tells us the most.  Why all the hubbub if you're not running.  No-Runs are simple: you put out a statement.  This is almost as hyped as the Lebronathon of last summer.  He's in. 

    We'll consider Huckabee, but it always depends on the field entered. our mind is wide open. To us, there is no clear moderate voice for the GOP in the race yet - and there may not be.  When the field is set, we'll make up our minds yet. But, we do have at least one positive from it already ..... the end of the worst show on TV.  Politics CAN be a good thing....



  1. Even by our incredibly poor combined record of prognostication...the speed with which this one was disproven was impressive.

    Huckabee is finally making money for the first time in his life. He also has a dirty little secret...once you get past his crazy and religion, he's a populist. He knows he would not get the support of the monied interest in the GOP.

  2. west_rhino9:35 AM

    Steeerike one!

    Positioning himself for VEEP maybe, but Huck on Fox is far more dnagerous to the left, specially picking wiht the Atrocious Theodocious!
