Sunday, June 12, 2011

Congress Needs One Less Weiner In It ...

    Democrats Are Jumping On the Dump Anthony Weiner Bandwagon.... And We Agree.

      Just in case you didn't know for sure, we're Republicans here.  Whether that gives you the impression that we can't be impartial is up to you, but we'll disclose that anyway.  We've been watching political scandals and wrongdoing from both sides intently for the past decade, and this is one of the stupider ones we've ever seen.  We mean stupid not by the attention it's gotten, but on how retarded Anthony Weiner (D-NY) had to be to think this would not come back to bite him in the ass. Yes, called another Congressman a retard.  Par For the Course, people....

    Yeah, except for those of us who are too ashamed to do so, all of us take a peek in the mirror in our undies - or less.  The sensible of us don't snap a photo of the ugliness, then post it on our twitter account or Porn Stars.  BTW, good to see that Ginger Lynn is still around and looking well.  What do you call someone who does those things, besides Congressman?  Narcissist is a good term, although Narcissist and Congressman are pretty much interchangeable terms.  It's all about them, their power, and seeing how much you can get away with.

    If Weiner thinks he can survive this, then he is as deluded as he is self-absorbed.  Why? Not so much for the crime as his ability has been weakened.  Nancy Pelosi is calling for him to quit, once the new that he chatted (not sexually) with a 17 year old girl.  More importantly, his wife is a key staffer of Hillary Clinton, who is well-versed in this shit.. Reportedly, Clinton is furious over this, and wants him to quit as well, even if he ends up unemployed.  He has NO support...

     Perhaps he is blinded by the initial survey that showed 54% of his district's voters would still vote for him, but that was as the scandal broke - and that was before the 17 yr old was revealed.  Just because he is in a strong Democrat district, that doesn't mean he needs to be the one representing them.  They'll find someone else..... You know - someone who's junk hasn't been on Twitter.  Quit the 'Sexual Rehab' bullshit, and just quit.....


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