Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Take That Shitty Budget Back, Mr. President ...

Finally, Something the Entire Senate Can Agree On.....

      Guess we'll have to change his name to Barack Zer-Obama !!    In case yu missed it, the Senate took up resolutions last week to consider budget proposals for FY 2012.  First up was the one pushed by the Obama Administration.  Long rumored to be one long on fuzzy math and short on actual cuts, it was quite possibly the first resolution to have bipartisan support since a bill promoting the Boy Scouts, or naming a Post Office after someone...

   Yes, it was a score worthy of a Super Bowl involving the Buffalo Bills ..... 97-0 !   Zippo. Nada.  Nunca.  Bubkus.  Insert your favorite here...  Stunning that they would be so far off from reality that they couldn't even find a Senator from California, New York or Massachusetts to vote for it.  Clearly, the message was sent - be serious, guys.   

     Then, in typical DC fashion, they voted down the bill passed by the House of Representatives as well by a partisan 57-40 vote.  So, as usual, they did a lot of voting....... and nothing was accomplished in the end.    That's Washington for you, folks.  But even we are stunned by the rebuff from Obama's own party.  Makes us think of a song.....


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