Sunday, July 31, 2011

24-16: As Usual, We Recommend, And Every Does What We Tell Them To Do...

The Pee Dee Getting it's Own Congressional District Even Has Johnny Drama Yelling 'Victory' !!!!

     Maybe we should find it a coincidence that the day after we recommend the new 7th Congresssional district be given to the Pee Dee and Grand Strand, it gets passed.... We used to think that, but after six or seven times, we have to accept the fact that someone somewhere important is listening to us.  Yeah, we have THAT much pull....

    While we will be sad to have to give up our Vice Chairmanship of the 6th District, and we are losing our Muse, Jim Clyburn, we can't helpbut feel that we will finally be represented well, and by someone who actually cares about the Pee Dee and Grand Strand, other than appreciating our golf courses..


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to all those idiots who think Florence will be better served by a freshman congressman from Horry County over not just a member in leadership of the House, but one who has the President's ear. Great example of people putting a label above the better resource for their district. Before the last election, we had the House Whip and the Chairman of the Budget and Control Board from right here in Florence. I don't care what party you're in, the Dems losing the house and Haley beating Sheheen hurt Florence, pure and simple. We had the two men who control the purse strings of both pocket books and we blew it. What's that Republican led House and Haley done for Florence County? Nothing.
