Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tim Pawlenty Has No Balls ....

Yeah Tim, Bye-Bye Now ... Grow a Pair, Buddy.

   The 2012 Presidential campaign had it's first victim today, as former Minnesooota Governor Tim Pawlenty dropped out of the race after a third place finish in the Iowa Caucuses..... Wait a second.  It's not the winter of 2012?  This was the Straw Poll, and he quit?  Ohh......

   Yes, we are being very sarcastic, but Pawlenty deserves it.  As much of a big deal as the Iowa Straw Poll is made, every candidate knows one thing... YOU DON'T TAKE STRAW POLLS SERIOUSLY !!!   They a friggin' joke:  4000 party insiders and paid attendees show up at one place, and now we're supposed to think Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul are the leading candidates for the GOP?  Please...

      The hilarious part is that Tim Pawlenty apparently does believe it.  Yeah, he probably was not going to win, epsecially with Rick Perry coming in, and his lack of traction was his primary downfall.  But very few REAL people are paying attention to the race right now, and they're ALL waiting for the field to be closed, then they'll decide.  Bachmann has support from Tea Partyers and guys thinking with their dicks, and Ron Paul is Ron Paul - he has his fanatics that will go to the ends of the earth to support him, but not many others...

    Was Pawlenty reading the Tea Leaves early, and just pushing the inevitable early? Maybe... Still, we see it as another example of Tim Pawlenty's weakness - he's a big sissy without the guts to really fight for what he wants.  Winning the Presidency is not easy.  They don't all lay down and vote for you - unless you're me at the 2006 Sumter County GOP Straw Poll, where I won 98-0 over Gary McLeod.  How did that end? Exactly.... 

   Pawlenty's suit and shirt are still clean, and we're sure his undies are still dry, because his political cajones apparently don't exist. He's a political Eunuch.  Thanks for playing, Governor!



  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    The TEA leaves I've seen suggest that Pawlenty ought to stick it out and that a few others are more deserving of hte appelation, "ex-presidential candidate".

    Tim's game to play and based on the cards he's holding, he folds, his powder is dry and in reserve and may have a few more useful options to play.

  2. Anonymous11:34 AM

    The TEA leaves I've seen suggest that Pawlenty ought to stick it out and that a few others are more deserving of hte appelation, "ex-presidential candidate".

    Tim's game to play and based on the cards he's holding, he folds, his powder is dry and in reserve and may have a few more useful options to play.
