Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Everyone Makes Their Job Pitch ....

We're Guessing Left to Right It's Romney, Bachmann, Huntsman, Palin and Obama ...

     OK a-holes, Summer Vacation is over.... Time to get back to saving America.  The campaigns are back in gear, and apparently everyone's "What I Did This Summer" project was creating jobs plan. 

     Like most smart people, we are reserving judgement on all three plans submitted this week by Jon Huntsman, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama.  We do wonder how the others plan on winning without a plan.  We are well past the days of generalized bullshit.  We all want specifics....

    Granted, we will probably find one or two things from each plan that will help, but the malaise will be here much longer than we hoped.  We're talking years of low job growth here folks. This bodes badly for Obama, who's re-election lives and dies by the economy. He isn't helping himself by building all of this up.  He will have no magic bullet, and it has to cost money, which will undo everything he did a month ago.

     So, is it all much ado about nothing? No, there are always things Washington can do to set the plate better... We doubt it will happen, but yu have to listen at least - and we'll be there....


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