Sunday, October 02, 2011

Florida Wants It All ...

The Florida GOP Wants Boardwalk, Park Place and All the Railroads Too.... We Say Go Back or Skip Your Own Convention.

      No, we are NOT partisan on this issue.  We're a South Carolina Republican.  Being a small state that is pretty staunchly GOP, we know where our eletoral votes will be going in November, and we're not large enough to get a National Convention. Charlotte only got theirs becuase the Democrats are trying to keep serve from 2008.  The First in the South Primary is all we have...

     So, with the word that the scumbags at the Florida GOP have jumped us, Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, and decided to hold their primary on January 31st, we have only one question:  What more do you f**king a**holes want?  

     Their argument is that the nomination is decided by conservative states like Iowa and South Carolina,a nd barely Republican states like New Hampshire.  By the time it gets to a 'normal state' like Florida, it's all over.... Total Bullshit, folks.  In 2008, there were about 6 viable candidates still running on Super Tuesday, when Florida was in it's usual spot.  This year will be no different.  There is no clear front runner, and that is unlikely to change.  You may actually be the decider by being in the fifth spot, rather than the first.  South Carolina has been batting third forever - and our history of picking the national winner is the strogest around.  We don't pick the most conservative - we pick winners.

      That's all well and good, but the part that pisses us off the most is that Florida ALREADY knows they will play a huge part in the 2012 elections.  They already have the GOP Convention in Tampa, so the entire party will be there, spending their cash, and picking a nominee.  More importantly, Florida is always in play as a crucial prize in November.  Barack Obama and the GOP nominee will be there on an almost daily basis.  So again, our question: what more do you guys want? Blood??

     Yes, they are going way overboard with this move, and need to be punished - hardcore.  It's time that states like Florida got the message that they need to wait for their place in line.  Do North Carolina, New York and California go apeshit and jump in front, because the nominee's already been picked by the time they get to them? Nope.  Think about how ironic it would be for the Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa - and no one from Florida is there?  Sounds fair to us.  Their greed and stupidity reminds us of another Florida resident....


The World Is Not Yours .... It's Ours, Biotches!



  1. The bad part is we will lose half our Delegates also in SC if we move our date and we will. We have been through this before and it aint fair to the ones elected to represent their state. FL will lose half and still have a lot due to their size. They need to lose the convention if you ask me.

  2. They should lose ALL of their delegates. Losing the convention would be nice, but a logistical nightmare.. May I suggest the GOP Convention at Graham Slough?

  3. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Mike--there has already been some, okay a lot of discussion on a so-called "nuclear option" of moving the National Convention and/or stripping Florida of its delegates. The problem is the potential for legal responses (think lawsuits) that could turn a very bad situation into a potential media circus with repercussions that could effect our GOP candidates.

    What everyone needs to keep in mind is that this is not just the Florida GOP but the Governor of Florida and by extension the state of Florida that is pushing to jump the date. Their arguement is that "smaller" states have to much influence over the selection process. If that sounds familar your right, it is the same idea behind the term "flyover" country and given the large portion of Florida that is made of NY transplants no one should be surprised.

    The bad part is that this only helps the Obama re-election strategy. Obama needs Florida and the fallout from this has the potential to play poorly with the undecided voters down there...teg

  4. "We're a South Carolina Republican" ... horribly bad grammar. Five points off.

  5. I meant 'we' in the singular - like the SC6 Army. You know, like when you refer to a bunch of something as 'we' or 'she'??? Aw heck, I messed it up and forgot to fix it! :)
