Saturday, October 01, 2011

Why Chris Christie Shouldn't Run For President...

Thaaat's Riiiiiight !  The NJ Gov.'s Demise Will Come From Within

       Let us repeat a fact we made previously.  We like Chris Christie... A lot.  The guy is a no-nonsense leader who looks out for the good of his state as a whole.   In a region where state, county and municipal worker unions have the taxpayers by the sac, Christie played hardball and got the concessions needed to get his state back to solvency... Traits that are needed in a President.  The problem is Christie will never win the nomination - at least not in 2012.  But it won't be the fault of Barack Obama....

      No, we have an eerie feeling that the GOP is going to kill it's own this year, now matter how electable they might be.  Hell, they've been doing it already.  We'd all like a perfect candidate, and for many of us in the party, that means getting as far to the right as possible.  That's all well and good, but the majority of voters are looking for a more centrist - and sensible candidate.  Too bad candidates that are 90% conservative aren't good enough for some...

     Let's see the evidence..... I dunno.  First Mitt Romney is thrown in with Barack Obama for his passing Health Care in Massatooshits.  Next, Rick Perry gets hammered for allowing immigrants PAY in-state tuition at Texas universities.  Meanwhile, John Huntsman is an afterthought because he.... GULP !!!! - was an ambassador for Obama in China.  And he's a Mormon!  

     With a track record like that, Chris Christie should run to the hills..... and he is.  Rightly so, Christie is fighting off his centrist suitors like they have the plague.  To some in the GOP, political moderation is a disease.  Honestly, we don't know all of Christie's social policies, but generally, we here in Yankeeville are more 'accepting' on gay marriage, abortion and other thing that make the Right Wing cringe.  Expect the bombs to fly against Christie if he runs.... Big Time.

     We think Christie would make a good President, but it won't happen yet.  Not if he's smart, becuase it won't happen this election.  Not with the nutjobs who can't compromise at all on anything.  Good used to be good enough, but that's out the window.  They'll learn soon enough, and maybe they will compromise then.  They have to.  There is no perfect candidate.  For now, we'll have to settle (there's THAT WORD again!) for these attacks on Christie.....


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Mike-for me a disturbing attack has been Christie's weight. Let's face it he is a big guy and when I see the media making a effort to question him over his size it reeks of something sick. The typical liberal line is if they can not attack a candidate for his position they attack his personally or in this case his weight.

    Now there is a danger for the media, democrats and Obama if that happens. A "large" portion of this nation is, well LARGE and one thing I have noticed in 50 years is that is one of those attacks that could very well backfire on any and every one that uses it.

    All that said, I don't think Governor Christie gets in. With Florida compressing the primary schedule, the calender makes if almost impossible for anyone to announce this late, set up a campaign staff, donors, schedule events, etc. You and I have been there, you don't announce at the last minute and if you do you're likely to be the last in and the first out...teg
