Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Car With a Great Story...

We Do Our Part to Bring a Katrina Survivor Back To Life

    Maybe it's just us, but working at car dealerships, we look at cars as more than just inanimate objects.  They don't just perform tasks - we see them as a big part of customers' lives, and as part of the family...  Yeah, maybe we are a bit kooky that way, but it helps you relate to the customer in that respect. Don't believe me? Answer this.... What is your car's name?  We win....

    Yes, if you look hard enough, you'll realize that your car has gone through every bump and hill in your life, right there along with you.  Your kids, job, relationships... Your car has been there for everything.  Of course, some cars are better than others. The 2005 Mercedes C240 I just let go this week is a great one...

   No, I didn't ask the customer what the car's name is, but I called her Katrina.  It was owned by a lady who worked in the Downtown Medical Center in New Orleans - and was there in August, 2005 , when Hurricane Katrina hit.  No, she wasn't outdoors - she was parked on the 5th floor of the hospital, protected from the floodwaters.  The storm was bad enough that the car remained there until November. Bad enough that the mold infestation forced health officials to close the hospital forever.  Bad enough that they had to move to New York.....

   There was one problem with the move - the New York traffic was so bad, the owners stopped driving it, and it sat in their driveway - dead as a doornail - until this month, when it was towed to us.  It actually wasn't too bad: lots of rust damage to the brakes, a few collapsed engine mounts, and all the fluids needed replacing.  $4800 later, it was running like a champ.  Seriously, it might have been the best running C-class I drove in that bodystyle. 

   The customer's were real happy, and they gave the car to their son, who now lives in Atlanta.  Maybe someday, they'll all go back to New Orleans.  We'll see... But, it's always nice to see people who's lives were shattered get some sense of being back to normal, by giving them their old car back.   Most days, I hate my job.. It's not where my heart is.  But, days like I had this week make it a lot easier.


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