Sunday, November 06, 2011

Herman Cain Has Some 'Splaining' To Do....

Ay, Yai, Yai !!!  This Week's Scandal Shows the GOP Frontrunner May Not Be Ready For Primetime...

   Like that bird toy that bobs up and down in a bowl of water, the GOP Flavor of the Month appears ready to make another move.  The only question is who now????  Because true or not, the sexual harrassment problem Herman Cain thought he left back at the National Restaurant Association has show that he doesn't seem to have the chops to handle a challenge....

   As much as he may not like it, this IS a story, and the media are not going to accept 'no comment', or take your blurry, coded version of what happened as fact.  Yeah, for Cain, this is a no-win situation.  Once everything finally does come out, we have a feeling Cain will be done.  For now, we're just hoping that there is no report of him talking about his penis size or pubic hairs in Coke cans... We never got that one.

    There is a long held (and correct) saying in DC.... It's never the scandal that takes you down - it's the cover up.  Sexual Harrassment is a slippery slope for guys.  We do it all the time, and the only factor that determines whether it is harrassment is how does the woman take it.  If he got busted for hitting on a woman, and that was it, then admit it, and get it overwith. It happens...  But, Cain has been combative and not forthcoming.  That is the difference between business and politics.  Business owners ARE dictators - they control their own little world.  Politicians have to deal with a press corps sometimes is just loking for the truth - and sometimes is trying to find a 'gotcha moment'.  Cain GAVE THEM the gotcha moment by blowing it all off, the engaging in a battle of semantics with people more adept at it than him...

    Cain hasn't gotten much better since he decided that the issue was over.  If this keeps up, we won't be suprised to see him holding his hands over his ears, yelling 'NANANANA !!' soon.  All of that aside, it has revealed a character flaw in Cain that likely will push him back in the polls - at least with those that care about these things.  We'll find out next week, when the new polls come out....



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