Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Stupor Committee Can't Even Sit Together....

Ten Days to Go, and Instead of Cutting the Deficit, Dems and GOP Are Butting Heads.  God Help Us All...

   Just briefly, if you had any hope that the Super Committee would reach an agreement by November 23rd, don't count on it.  Ten minutes on Fox News Sunday cemented it for us.  Today, they had two members of the Stupor Committee - Sen Pat Toomey (R-Pa) and Whipper Clyburn (D-Santee, Columbia, Sumter or wherever it is this week).  One would think that to give at least SOME appearance that they're together in the goal, that they'd sit together and discuss it.  Nope - they came into the guest chair separately, about 5 seconds apart.  Toomey out, Clyburn in.  The seat never got cold....

    Worse than the appearances, were the numbers... Toomey proposed a $1.2T cut - with $700B in spending cuts, and $500B more in taxes, but a rate cut/deduction cut for the top tier earners.  Bad idea.  First off, the spending is not enough. Secondly, try passing a rate cut for millionaires this year.  Pat, the focus is CUTTING THE DEFICIT... We'll fix the tax code next year or 2013.   Then came The Whipper....

    Clyburn is so full of shit, it's ridiculous.  His first statement was that he was looking to cut $4T from the deficit. Sweet.....That he was sure benefits would have to be cut ( a far cry from the assault he gave me in the papers in 2005).  Then he gave 50 points that contradict those stances.  In short, it was "I wanna, but i don't know how to do it".  Those of us in the 6th are well aware of that lack of ability.  Again, wrong man for the job...

    Then, Clyburn admitted that the Democrats have no unified plan.  Neither do the Republicans, which is true.  One plan the Dems have will cut $1T, add $1T in taxes, and accounts another $300B for interest savings, not cuts.  Not necessarily untrue, it's all accounting BS.  But, if $500B in new taxes is bad, what do you we feel about twice as much???  Guess that's their idea of Big, Bold and Balanced (like my testicles) ....

   I know, I get a lot of criticism for bitching and moaning a lot, but my main topic is DC politics - what do you expect?  Not much good has come out of there lately.  From what I saw today, I don't see anything to change that in the next ten days.  The Pentagon must be thrilled with the $600B in cuts coming...


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