Sunday, November 06, 2011

Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Super Committee.

The Ex-Whipper and the Rest of the 'Stuper Committee' Find the Deadline Coming Up Fast...

    Seventeen days left.  Actually, it's probably ten days, because you have to get Congress to PASS a deficit reduction bill by November 23rd to avoid the draconian cuts of only $1.2 trillion - roughly 10% of the expected deficit - in the next decade.  In other words, big frigging whoop.

    You know the biggest indicator that they will not get anything done?  After months of being given the responsibility, and negotiating (or is it grandstanding?), with a number of groups giving all sorts of suggestions, what do they do?  They call in the SAME people to ask them AGAIN ???   Guys, what were you doing the whole time?  Were you listening at all???

    No, we have no confidence in Jim Clyburn - whose career has proven him as NOT being a 'Numbers Guy' - or the others on the Joint Committee.  One thing we do like a lot is when someone gives them a good smackdown to their faces.  Our hero this week is Erskine Bowles, co-chair of the Bowles-Simpson Committee, who literally GAVE them the blueprint to follow... they called him in for help, and here were his words.....

'While I respect each of you individually, I have no confidence that this committee as a whole will pass any significant legislation'.    BAM !!   I heard that he put his Johnson back in his pants after slapping them in their faces with it.  Love it, love it, love it.....

    Whether or not the bitchslap actually has the desired effect remains to be seen... We'll hope, but our money is on nothing.  Stupid is as Congress does.....


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