Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to the Best Blog Ever On Pee Dee Politics, Written By a Guy 700 Miles Away!

We're Not Sure WHO Otis Is, But We Think We're a Winner

      Ahh, the kids grow up so fast... One day, a blog comes home from the hospital, and your life changes forever.  Next thing you know, they're in kindergarten, learning to spell and write.  Pretty soon, SC6 will be stealing money from our wallet, along with the keys to our car.. They'll start talking back and demanding an iPad, because all the other blogs have one.  We better enjoy this time while we have it....

       Yep, on December 17, 2005, in an apartment in Charleston, SC, SC6 was born.  It's gone through six years, 2 gubernatorial, one presidential and three congressional elections.  3265 posts.  We never thought we'd have that much to discuss, but eventually the blog finds it legs and feel, and the material just takes care of itself...

        We've been around so long now, that even our congressional district has changed.  No, we don't plan on changing the name to SC7..... We've worked too hard to earn our stripes and reputation.  We may have spent a lot of time out of the loop, but we managed to stay involved and in touch. Pretty soon, that might change, and we intend to take our place back as the place SC Republicans go to get the truth on the issues.... At least as we see it.  Stay tuned!

      As always, thanks to the nearly 350,000 visitors that have come by to log on since last year, especially to the crew that posts comments on a regular basis, to give us actual proof that people read us.  We wish there were more, but we take the lack of comments that everything we say is right, and that you agree with us 100%.  :)

      Like we've said before, when this ends, we have no idea.  The thought that we someday earn the recognition of having 'The World's Oldest Blog' has crossed our minds, but even Earl's blog is older.  We'll just keep writing if you keep reading. And if you stop reading?  We'll probably keep writing anyway!  Thanks again...



  1. Congratulations Mike. You are the Man.

  2. Way to go, old man. Now get your Yankee Doodle Dandy back down here to God's Country...

  3. Yeah, I'm with Pluv on this one.
