Say WHAT, Woman?? If Pelosi Retires, The Ex-Whipper Can Kiss His Special Title Goodbye...
The big news out of nowhere today was's claim from Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's daughter that she has pretty much had enough of DC politics. We could only be so lucky, but you never know...
Alexandra Pelosi, an Emmy Award-winning short filmmaker, told them via phone that San Fran Nan, who is getting up there in years at 71, is tired, wants to quit, but only hangs on for the sake of her campaign's financial supporters. Maybe it's all true. All we'll say to Alexandra is 'from your mouth to God's ear' honey!
Who knows. A lot of the old dead wood that blames the newer members for today's gridlocked Congress - but caused all the problems that got us here - are retiring. It's not easy going from Majority Leader back to Minority Leader, and Pelosi's finding that out quick. Maybe if there were a chance for the Democrats of retaking the House, she'd stay. It ain't looking good, so she may done. If so, someone in South Carolina may be out of a gig....
Remember our Congressman soon Not-To-Be, Jim Clyburn? Well, his Special Advisor to the Leader was a made up job especially for Clyburn by Pelosi herself. Pelosi and Steny Hoyer are not good friends, and our guess is since Clyburn sided with Pelosi, Hoyer will find another Democrat to be his Minority Whip in 2013... In short, Clyburn will soon be another Congressman, with no power whatsoever. He doesn't Chair a committee, so our guess is if Pelosi goes, there is a slight possibility that Clyburn may retire earlier than he planned. We doubt it, but if Pelosi is not Leader in 2013, we fully expect a 2014 Clyburn retirement to the Golf Course.....
For now, the only one who really knows is Pelosi, who is still on Christmas vacation in her $10,000 a night suite in Hawaii. She can't wait long to make up her mind. We'll see.. But it does give us some hope.
Mike--if Jim boy does retire he will only be replaced by little Filet Migon. But we can take heart in watching the overall AA percentage of population continue its downward track towards 20%. Does make me wonder how DOJ will justify a minority majority district when that happens...teg