Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's Official..... We're Coming Back !

Up Your Nose With a Rubber Hose!!  SC6 To Become a South Carolina-Based Blog Again.  You Have Been Warned..

    We're not sure how much the rumor has gone around the mill just yet. We suspect not very much.  After all, it IS Christmas time.  Even we realize the world does not revolvearound us, as much as we might assume it does.  But, for those of you who might have been wondering since we ceased working a couple weeks ago... Yes, SC6 is coming home to Flotown, and not just for a vacation.

    You are reading correctly.  After 27 months of blogging on SC politics from Yankeeville, we're ready to come home.  There are a couple of job offers we have to juggle, though neither are set in stone just yet.  It's a simple case of economics... We already have a nice house we've spent about $20,000 on since we left, so why sit at home in a studio apt in cold New York (and it IS getting cold), when we could enjoy a real bed in a real house in warmer weather?  It's a no-brainer. 

    Luckily, we are not going back into the car business, and we've made some friends in high places that see some level of intelligence in us.  The only times we've ever been fired were in the car business, so even though the money was decent, the hours and instability (them , not me) have caused us to look for a new career.  Going back into service would be like marrying the woman you've already divorced....five times.

    As far as the schedule, we'll be doing The Move, Part I right after New Years, where we'll set up and take care of a few things.  Then we'll be going back around the 15th to New York to gather the rest of the stuff and come back around the 23rd for good.. Politically, it's going to be a nightmare - for the candidates!  We'll be in town for all the fun, following the Big Dogs, and asking questions they never wished they were asked... No, we will NOT be running for office anywhere.

     So, you have 30 days notice to evacuate if you deem it necessary.  The Damn Yankee is coming back, so lock up you wife and daughters!!!  See you soon!



  1. We're getting the band back together...

  2. Aren't there still warrants out for you?

  3. Haven't you ever heard of the Statute of Limitations?

  4. There is no criminal statute of limitations in South Carolina (most likely because we're still holding out hope of trying that bastard Sherman one of these days...)

  5. So, it doesn't matter that the girl is over 18 now? How'd I know she was 13... she looked at least 15 anyway!

  6. 15 can get ya up to 30...

  7. Brad Richardson11:52 AM

    mike glad your coming back to flo town buddy..

  8. Mike,
    Now that the "little boys" have had their say, I'll add a few of mine. As Brad says, "We're happy you are returning to stay." There is always a place for you in Florence or Clarendon county. The "Big Four" will be together again, the band is waiting and the welcome mat is out.
    Your friends in Clarendon County
