Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Marking the Day of Infamy .

Pearl Harbor Day Hits It's 70th Anniversary...

      We're making a quick post today to note the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor - a day that cost the United States 12 ships, 160 planes and over 2400 American lives..

       There is little to add to the event.  Most people who were alive that day remember exactly where they were when they heard of the attack that launched us into World War II.  The sad part is that number is dwindling with each passing day.  Worst news of all is the word that the Pearl Harbor Survivors group has decided to disband - partly due to the age of the men who lived, and because there are so few of them left.  Soon, Pearl Harbor will be like World War I and the Civil War, where stories are passed down from generation to generation - and exagerrated and distorted. Such is how things go...


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Some gave all and all gave some. This nation can never fully repay or pay homage enough for the sacrifices of the Greatest Generation. To paraphrase PM Churchill, never have so many future generations owed so much to one generation....teg
