This Isn't a Virginia GOP Meeting, But With It Asking Members to Sign a 'Loyalty Oath', It Might As Well Be....
Up until today, we had a clear choice as far as which state were the biggest bunch of morons in the Republican Primary states: Florida. Not being satified with being fifth in the Primary order AND having the National Convention, AND being a key prize in the General Election, they decided to try and jump everyone.. Of course, it didn't work, and they'll probably end up being more important in the position they're still in. In essence, we saved Florida from themselves..
However, Virginia appears to be trying to wrestle that award away from the Sunshine State... fast! Most of us have heard that Virginia requires all candidates to have 10,000 signatures turned in to be on the Primary ballot. The absentee ballots are already being printed, and there are only 2 names on it - Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. The AG has stepped in to try and change the rule to allow any candidate that has qualified for matching funds to be on the ballot. Sounds fair to us, but something else is making us more nervous and angry with how Virginia does business...
What is it? How about a loyalty oath? You heard right. This came up with us recently in Florence, when a couple GOP diehards were nearly kicked out by the local party for supporting a Democrat in a DA race last year. For those of us who hold office in the party, the rule is pretty clear - you cannot openly support a Democrat in a General Election against a Republican, or you can lose your title. Unfortunately, what Virginia wants to do is worse. Much, much worse...
They want ALL voters in the GOP Primary in March to sign a loyalty oath, stating that they intend to vote for the Republican candidate - no matter who it is - in the General Election. To us, it's damn near Facism... It appears that party members think all voters take their politics as seriously as they do, but they don't... Not even close. Loyalty oaths from people you don't know doesn't go over well the next time around. Voting is a fundamental right that too few of us do, and making them sign loyalty oaths make the GOP look like a bunch of Nazis...
What if you don't sign it, or sign it and reneg later? They say nothing. OK then, so then WHY HAVE IT ????? Honestly, we don't believe it. All the data is on Voter Vault. If you sign it, and then it shows you going non-partisan, there WILL be retribution. The info will be used to fuel personal vendettas by weeding out those who they disagree with. Maybe it's all to make sure the party is full of 'Good Republicans'. You know: Pure. Clean. Sound familiar? That stuff might work in Eastern Europe in the 1970's, but it's just about the most Un-American thing we can think of doing in a Primary... Perhaps they should consider changing their present flag to a Hammer & Sickle - or a Swastika.
Hopefully, the Virginia GOP will think twice before instituting this ridiculous 'voluntary requirement'. If not, then our guess is that the Cavalier State will go blue in November out of spite from moderates and independents - the ones who actually determine winners and losers in tight states. People always pick on the backwardness of South Carolina, but to us, it sure seems like there are a couple states doing their best to 'outdo' us. We think they've succeeded... You want people to vote Republican? Verify they can vote, and LET THEM VOTE. Period... It'll make the General Election a lot easier. Trust us.
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