Thursday, December 29, 2011

We Lose Another Media Buddy....

Jackie Torok of the Morning News Leaves For Greener Pastures

    The good part about being in Florence is the ability to reach the local media.  When I came to New York, my friends were kind of stunned that I knew almost every TV and Newspaper manager, editor and anchor on a semi-personal basis. It's pretty unbelievable in Yankeeville, but in Flotown, it's no big deal.  It's helped me a lot in politics, but times change.... and sometimes, the faces do too.

    No, rarely is the Pee Dee the goal for a reporter or editor. So, it's common for a lot of turnover.  So, when you have someone who is willing to stick around for a long time, you appreciate them. 

    Though we can never say that the Florence Morning News agreed with everything we thought, they very often printed whatever I had to say.  Why? Because I was usually right but also because I knew how to write a letter to the editor.  It's pretty easy... 180 words or less means 180 words or less, and I usually had some type of solution. Blogging is the same way...

    Jackie Torok has been the City Editor for FMN for as long as I can remember.  Though I didn't work too much with her at the paper, I came to appreciate her more through Facebook.  She was not afraid to express her frustrations with the job, and the idiots that come across an editors way.  We like people who don't hide their feelings. Of course, a lifetime Cleveland Browns fan should be used to frustration!

    Unfortunately, Jackie will be taking her talents, along with her Browns, Tar Heels swag, and her cats up the road to Fayettenam... She will be missed, but I'm sure we'll still be seeing her on Facebook.  Since we're coming back to Florence, we'll have to make friends with all sorts of new people at FMN, but maybe she could put in a word for us.  Godspeed, Jackie!



  1. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Greetings from Fayetteville! For someone whose professional life revolves around meeting deadlines, I'm shamefully overdue in thanking you for this kind post, Mike. Best of luck to you upon your return to the Palmetto State.

  2. No problem, Jackie.. I'm sure you're jammed up with lots of work. I was explaining to some friends this week why the local paper never writes articles about the meetings.. If they got paid as low as you guys are, they wouldn't be on the road at 900PM either!
